And that's why they're affordable. They don't put this little trinkets just about every vehicles these days has.
I decided to make my own suns visor extensions using a plastic pocket with a stiff paper extension cut from a manilla folder. The raw materials are shown below: I cut the plastic sheet protector in half lengthwise, and cut a 7" strip off one side of the manilla folder which I folded in half lengthwise. The paper extension fits into the plastic pocket as shown below: The long open seam at the bottom is taped closed to make a plastic pocket open only on one end as shown below: The pocket is attached to the existing sun visor with four or five rubber bands. The extension slides out easily when needed and covers that big gap between the end of the sun visor and the rear edge of the side window, as shown below: Appearance could be improved by laminating nice pictures to the back, but it is functional as it is now. Not sure how it compares to the $18 Amazon extensions, but the ones I made are quite light and do not interfere with normal,use of the sun visor. Cheers!
good ideal! I like the "plastic sleeve" might have to add that to my customer mod visor extension from pg 1... which is still working great BTW
Being 6'4" I need to put my driver seat all the way back. Then the sun whacks me from the side during the morning and afternoon. The sun-visor only blocks 70% of the area where the sun cooks me, so I made a visor that I've used for the past 7 years that works great. Here is a video on how to make the visor extension: