Are there any (good) LRR snow tires that will not have a big hit on winter MPG? Looking for standard 15" tires. Anything Costco sells? John
The absolute best (IMHO) is the Michelin X-Ice Xi3. I installed a set a week ago before Winter Storm Atlas. We had 36+ inches in Spearfish. Tires were awesome in first 6 inches. MPG is equal or 1 mpg better than stock OE Bridgestone Ecopia EP20. I have inflated them to 48/46. Ride is NOT harsh at that pressure. Actually better the OE at 42/40. Tire is rated at 50 psi. has them for $103. Low road noise, smooth ride, excellent in slushy deep snow. However wont go through 36". LOL. Best snow tires I have ever had. And last much longer than blizzak. Also just awesome handling on dry roads, much like all-season. I guarantee you will love them, and will not notice a drop in MPG in dry conditions, but you will in snow, slush, or hard rain, due to resistance of the snow. Original Equipment Wheel Diameter: 15" 15" Recommended:185/60-1515" Alternate:175/65-15 Select Custom Size
I know both Tirerack and latest Consumer Reports rated Michs highly and our experience over 50 years agrees but Idon't think anyone as tested mpg on snow tires but I'd bet on the Michs there too. But we found 175/65x15's better in mountain snow rather than 185/60x15's on our Honda Fits. Much of the time we cut new tracks rather than riding on compacted surfaces. I am curious about what size you mounted. Our experience say the 185/60x15 would be harder to push thru snow but very good riding on top of compacted snow. And because its heavier and bigger diameter it will use more gas but will ride up on snow in front better. So I'm guessing you mounteed 175/65x15 just as we have done on our econoboxes for mountain snow peformance and interstate mpg etting back and forth.