I have a 2012 Prius Three and when I attempt to dim the lights whether in auto manual day night i only have !00% bright or very dim there is no in between. My car has been at the dealer for 5 weeks they claim this is normal. Also the curtisy sp? lighs in the footwell remain lite day and night even though when i open the door i have the overhead light off. Finally the lights for the door controls goes out. 2 weeeks ago i showed a utube video of the lights being dimmed. Now i have been living with blond in the dash that can't recognize the word home to place a call but this is really getting me hot. Watch CNN because I am about ready to load up the track hoe and play monster truck. Please Help save all he little innocent cars. thanks in advance Jennifer going postal
My 2012- Three is the same way. Dash lights are either dimmed or bright; seems like it should operate as variable dimmer. I brush it a lot with my knee and it dims the dash lights. My phone lady couldn't call "Home" either. So I changed my home phone number to my wife's name, and that didn't work either. However, then she started to recognize "Home", and now that works. Also, the phone book doesn't seem to refresh with new numbers added. Don't know if all this is problem, or just the way it is.
Along with real leather, real arm rest, among other quality items, toyota removed the dimming action to save money...Lmao
Thanks at least I know that's the best the dealer can do with the dash but anyone having a problem with the lights staying on all the time day nite in the foot well?