Just got my new '04 Driftwood #9 and have been checking tire pressure, oil levels, etc. When I checked the oil level, I found it extremely difficult to judge the level on the dipstick. My guess is that it's due to the lower weight oil, but I'm wondering if others have this problem or is it clearly visible when you check it?
Huh? I've heard a few others make that comment too. My only guess is that they were so used to having an engine that quickly caused the oil to turn dark they never actually noticed it how clear it is when new. It certainly isn't the oil. Your belief that Prius uses lower weight oil is a misconception. Plain old 5W-30 is what's used. That's an extraordinarily common weight.
I had a really difficult time seeing the level on the dipstick. Per a sugestion on the board, I drilled small holes at the dimples on the dipstick and it helps a lot. Also, after I changed to Mobile1, I can see the level much better. Must be a little color in it....
I was under the impression that 10W30 was more common, particularly here in Texas (am I also wrong to think that warmer temperatures sometimes call for heavier weight oil?). I don't suppose anyone has a picture of what the '04 dipstick ought to look like with an acceptable oil level?
> I don't suppose anyone has a picture of what the '04 dipstick Of course! It's in the oil change document, on page 12... http://john1701a.com/prius/prius-oilchange.htm
5W or 10W is not going to make a difference. The thinner oil at ambient temperature (5W) should flow easier when it's really cold. I'll stick with the factory recommendation if I can find the 5W variety around here.
Thanks, though please tell me there's no oil on that dipstick, 'cause if there is I can't see it. :crazyeyes:
It's not unusual for oil to be so clear (depending on brand and age) that you can't see it. Because of this I will be changing to Royal Purple synthetic motor oil which has - yes you guessed it - purple dye in it, so its extremely easy to see.
> please tell me there's no oil on that dipstick Yes, it's totally dry. Lighting for that shot was hard enough. Having a shiny layer of oil on it too would have made the photo chore truly nasty.