Have anybody any clues about whether Toyota will make plugin versions of the Prius+/v/Alpha? Personally I think it is missing and is a logical next step. It should be an option on all hybrids in the future. I mean, the drive train is essientially the same on the Prius+ and the regular sedan.
i haven't heard anything. you probably won't see much until they roll the pip out successfully in all 50 states.
I think I heard a while back that the plan was by 2020, all Toyota Vehicles would have a plug-in option, but I'm sure that didn't come directly from Toyota.
I have a 2012 PIP and get an average of 10-11 miles per full charge, low of 8.5 in winter and best of 12.2 in summer. I am wondering if there will be an upgrade in 2015. If not, then I might consider a Volt, even though my golf clubs will only fit with the backseat rolled down. Thanks
I like my Volt much better than my PIPa. Some people feel the opposite way. It comes down to personal preference. I say wait until 2015 and compare the newest PIP with the Volt 2.0. They should both be out by then.
Since the EPA range is 11 on the current PiP I would be very surprised if they can do too much over 15 EPA. Very outside chance of 20 EPA and above that is a total pipe dream IMO. Now if they totally change things around with body size and where the battery is kept...then my estimations could be low.
If the improvements in battery energy density and EV motor efficiency that Toyota promises for the next regular Prius are carried over to the PIP we should see some increase in EV range.
There really isn't any place to go with the PiP since it's already lithium. They can improve the energy density of the regular Prius because it isn't lithium. So in other words they would be carrying PiP tech over to the regular Prius.
I think you jump to conclusions. The larger energy density Toyota refers to might as well apply to increased energy density in Li batteries. And you seem to have forgotten that Toyota has stated that they will increase the MPG through a number of different measures such as weight, aerodynamics, more efficient electric motors and inverters etc. These changes are NOT in place on the current PIP and thus they will be certainly available on both the 2015 Prius and its PIP sibling.
"We have been listening very carefully to Prius [plug-in] owners over the past two years," Ogiso said, "and [we] are considering their request for additional all-electric range." 2015 Toyota Prius: Next Hybrid Aims For 55 MPG, More Room, Better Handling
First, I have said on many occasions that they will most likely increase the range on the next gen PiP, just not by as much as what some people are thinking/hoping for on here. Also, by moving to lithium alone they can get another couple MPG's out of the Prius. That combined with some other improvements will easily get them to 55 EPA.