OK, lets see what color scheme is the most popular on our MFD's. I made this poll with the 04's and 05's in mind and am not familar with what combinations are available on the classics or the 06's either. If you've found a different scheme, post it here...
You can change the background of the nav with the dimmer switch from a black to a white, but as for the rest I dont' think so.
I have an 06 and only have two options that I am aware of...green and orange. I am not fond of the orange, so leave it on green.
I've got an 06' and leave it on green. I like the oranage actually but it doesn't look so good when all the other buttons on the car are green. Now if, when set to orange, all other button controls in the car changed as well it'd be a different story.
I think blue is the default(?). I tinkered with the other colors but came back to trusty ole blue. Also, I played around with the various color variations for nighttime driving and most of them I couldn't tell apart. Maybe it's just me. It's been way too cold lately for me to sit in the car at night and play with the MFD. I can't wait til summer when I can do that again.
I voted for gray because that's where it's currently set, but my real answer is "Whatever color my kids left it on, last time they were messing with the settings."
beige. i actually just discovered that i liked it yesterday. i had it on blue for almost a year and said to myself "hey what if the screen matches my interior color" lame i know :lol: but i do like it... now i just have to drive it at night to see whether or not it will stay on beige...
I voted for gray, me thinks it's the best combination with the inside. You voted for gray, why is there only one vote? :huh:
I have an 06 so I set mine to Orange cause the Green reminds me of the old monochrome screens for the classic IBM PC. yeech! :blink:
Blue- easy to see in SUNSHINE (yes we have at least 350 some days of sun in Southern CA- someone has to put up with it!). Must have- Robin's Visor to all that sun over the MFD.
I have a 2006, but no option of orange. It has the green/blue/beige/gray choices, I wonder if they stuck a leftover 2005 MFD in the dash. It was built in 11/2005.