After reading some comments on here this am, I have come up with a new business plan for myself, GM and Ford. I will sell all my dealerships including the real estate assets put all of the proceeds into T-Bills, gold and cash and then recommend to Bill Ford and Wagoner that GM and Ford go BK by the end of the quarter. If they closed up soon my family would be set for generations and most of you would be out of work and desperately trying to unload your Priuses by the end of the year. And yes such an economic calamity would even effect those of you all cocooned up in the public sector eventually! Pretty cold huh!
how many dealerships? just out of curiosity. and who would buy them all? or would you just sell the cars back to the manufactuere and sell off all viable assets? so does "most of us" include toyota employees and/or stipended graduate students? heck, maybe DH will make MORE money... more cars to maintain ya know.
Shouldn't your admonishment be in the relevant thread, Evan ? Malorn gets high marks for pigheadedness, but he is not malicious, and has never stooped to personal baiting. Heck, even his contrarian stances can at most be criticized as dependable. Give me ten Malorns any day over our house piss-ant.
If malorn thinks that's what all of us want, or that is what we are planning, then he's totally 100% full of it. Malorn thinks that all of us who drive japanese cars are ignorant, but we all beg to differ. Malorn... just because we don't like the way GM and Ford are headed right now, or have been headed, doesn't mean that the extreme of non-existence and bankruptcy is what we WANT. We want them to be competitive again, that is all. I am so sick of your pathetic defeatism.
"Most of us"includes anyone who is not independently wealthy. You are at a University, correct. Ask a couple of economics profs what would happen to the eceonomy if GM and Ford simultaneously threw in the towel. Everything I have read leads to a situation that would make the great depression would look like a party.
So now you're looking out for the little guy huh? You're stinking rich, by your arrogant statement to start out... and now you're GENEROUSLY looking out for the starving student by biching and moaning over GM and Ford? Give me a break.
This thread is nothing but baiting, pure and simple it serves no other purpose at all. Thus my admonishment.
Alright. I agree with evan. This is a flamefest, so I'll post one more thing. I disagree with malorn's implication that GM and Ford are going to go belly up simultaneously. I think that the hard times that we are currently in for the domestics are not going to kill them, but are going to hark the beginning of a significant sea change in the American automobile, and that in the long run, GM, Ford, and DCX will continue to exist and will innovate. If my ideas of trends are right, they'll begin focusing on alternatives and clean energy, and will turn around their fortunes. At some point, they'll produce a clean vehicle that will appeal to me... Ford has almost done that already... then and only then will I probably find myself buying a domestic. But all of this defeatism and "THE END IS NEAR" crap from malorn is NOT productive. Like I said before, it's just freaking defeatism meant to make us all feel crappy, when we should be looking forward.
I have lots of money invested in the US econeomy, the local economy, and in about 400 employees and their families. Don't lecture me about the little guy. If i was Wal-mart I would have layed off 20 percent of my employees based on thebusiness conditions of the last 6 months, but you know what I didn't. The lines have been drawn in the US vehicle market by GM, Ford and Toyota. The next 3 years automotive economic results will have more to do with your standard of living the rest of your life and certainly your children's lives than you can imagine. That fact is what I am upset about. Most of you refuse to acknowledge the serious nature of the current economic conflict. I don't want to offend anyone but it really is a conflict.
I am mad as hell, if I made my decisions based solely on the outlook of the PC crowd I would do exactly what I stated in the original post here. I am looking for feedback, yes, baiting no. Maybe it is time for me to move on.
I'm certainly not Walmart either. My only point was your original post was: Sarcastic or not, you come off as EXTREMELY arrogant and overly proud of your money.
I suggest you move on, or find a different way to express yourself than pathetic defeatism. You make it very hard for people to like you when you take that route.
I am very proud of what my grandfather, father and my brother and I have accompliched over the last 58 years. My brother and I have had some real discussions about liquidating or expanding. There is a major economic crisis brewing in this country, you can despise the messenger but the message is very real.
I disagree with both the messenger and the message. Like I said before, I believe that GM and Ford will not be killed by this, but will be transformed hopefully for the better. They are already showing signs of this transformation. That is all. I still think that trumping your own wealth is freaking arrogant.
Maybe they are newly acquired, but shouldn't you use your super powers of recommendation for something more worthwhile?