So my first trip to work today, 22 miles and got 53 MPG. $1.04 fuel cost! Very exciting coming from my Mazda 3. Any tips on how to get better MPG? What is the trick to all these monitors/screen modes? Which is the most important? Any advice please!?
Are we talking about a Mazda 3 or a Prius c 3? If so , my advice study the manual. You read something on p 200 and revert back to p 198, craziest car manual I ever had. Back and forth!!
Prius c 3. I started reading the manual yes very all over the place. I guess maybe I should watch some videos online. iPhone ? - now Free
You must paid a cheaper price for gas. Here's in Orange County, SoCal I drive 18 miles at ~73 MPG for about $0.92. Tip: drive at 55 MPH or lower in the right lane. And traffic is helping me keep driving in EV a lot of times.
How does it know how much the gas cost is? do you put the cost in when you fill up? Or is it just an estimate?
I guess you didn't adjust the price manually, it's somewhere in the book and I don't remember where at the moment. The first time you push the Start button right after filled up you will have a change to change the price.
HINT: If you first start the car after a fill-up and wait too long the price of gas screen will go away. Don't panic. Don't drive away yet. Just turn off the car and re-start it, the gas price entry screen will appear again. As long as you don't drive off your safe.
OBTW: Here in Utah I just paid $3.30 for unleaded on my last fill-up a couple of days ago. I now see Maverick posting at $3.25 (after 6 cents discount). There is even a 7-11 posting ay $2.99 ??? This I got to check out. John
Congrats on your new car. Your mileage is excellent for a new C. I get slightly less overall (Fuelly) driving pretty much as I did before I got a hybrid. And gas here just went down to $4.099/gal. Cheapest price we've seen in months.