Proud new owner of a Prius C and she is a real beauty! I'm coming from a '03 vehicle that had power nothing, manual transmission and no technology, so I'm in heaven right now. The wife has a '08 Prius too! Enough typing . . . I'm just going to sit in my car! lol still sitting in the car? ; ). All my cars were manual so it took me a few weeks to get used to putting the car in park before turning it off. You'll have lots of fun sigh this car.
Lol - I do sometimes catch myself pushing in the clutch to drop it in 1st. Old habits are hard to break.
I found that habit left me pretty quick. It probably helps that my first decade of driving was in autos and have always driven them from time to time since I owned manuals.
So is your car a 2012. if so did you get a better price because the 2014 will be comming out? I think you will like this car. I was driving a 95 neon, manuel no AC no power steering ect... This car seems so quiet and rides better and gets much better mpg
Congrats! I too went from no frills, no power option cars to this C. I was like: "Bluetooth to my cell phone - what manner of sorcery is this?"