Figured it out everyone!!! Open glove box slightly and then let it go till it hits the bottom or push it down kind of hard. You"ll start to hear all that crackling sound, keep opening and pushing it down a number of times till no more of that sound is heard. YOUR PROBLEM IS SOLVED!!!!!
Glad you solved it. If it returns, you may want to search for a TSB on it. Seems like I recall reading one. IIRC they revised a part.
I noticed glove box handle could also cause rattling noise, wiggles easily to the touch, trying a piece of paper jammed in handle
Glad that's ALL it was. I purchased a brand new Chevy Camaro in 1977. Not soon then after, every time I pushed down on the right front fender, I heard a creaking sound like it was a dry bushing. I could never find the place to lubricate it. 10 years and 250k miles later, the whole frame to which the lower control arm was connected to, tore apart.