I sucessfully paired my motorola razr phone with my 06 prius and transfered all the names and numbers from my phonebook. The only thing is now when someone calls I can only see the number and not their name on the caller id. Anyone have a similiar problem with the razr. Please advise: Thanks,
Make sure your numbers are in your phone book the same way they are displayed on your received call list. For me, that means 2345678900, and not 12345678900. In other words, for US people, area code and number, no '1'. It must be an exact match to display the name.
I have the Verizon RAZR V3c, it shows the names on the MFD. You probably have a formatting issue as mentioned. The name isn't sent by the phone to the car, only the number, and the car does an "exact match" compare to them. Just look at the number the car displays, then compare to the number in your car's phonebook. Are they the same, exactly? All mine are in there with no 1 and 10-digit numbers. So 2345678901 is the format. I have an 06 as well, and entered the numbers in by hand with the MFD. I also transfered one in after hacking OBEX/OPP into the phone and it has the same format. I always store them that way in the phone's phonebook as well.
You were right! I tested the phonebook by having my wife call me from her cell. And her name wouldn't come up. Everyone elses after that did. Upon further investigation I realized that her phone number comes up on caller id as +15165555555. I was missing the + and the 1 before the area code. I edited the number in the phonebook and now all is good! Thanks for the help