I've seen many people talk about the Boss BASS600 that mounts either under the passenger seat (ideal!) or in the back. While I managed to find a 600 for sale, it's actually about $40 more than the Boss BASS800. The 800 is slightly taller than the 600 (spec'd at 3" even, but I read one comment that said it was slightly taller), and only found one person who claimed to have mounted it under the passenger seat. While better than nothing, I'm not filled with extreme confidence, as I don't know what other mods he made. Any experience with these subwoofers would be nice, but if you have any under-seat subwoofer experience at all, please share!
While my personal audiogram shows I have amazing hearing, coming to these forums has been my first stop in attempting to upgrade the audio in my stock prius.
I have been using a BOSS BASS800 for the last everal years, it still works fine! I just covered it up so it blends in with the rear area! As for suggestions, run both + & - to the 12v battery, The sense line can come off the cig lighter as they power off when the car is off. I ran 2 conductor shielded wire for the inputs, grounding the shield only at the input ground. That helps keep stray noises out of the unit. As long as you don't drive the crap out of it, or demand unrealistic SPL's from it, it works just fine! I just played a tune that starts off very bass heavy, I had forgotten how good the unit worked, when the song was over, I played it again! SWEET!!!
KK6PD, thanks for the tips. Do you think the 800 would fit, mounted, under the passenger seat, or is it too high?
Are you set on an under the seat unit, or would you be open to trunk mounted units? I installed a 6" Bazooka Tube in my Prius about a month ago. Works pretty good and doesn't take much space. Enough "boom" for me and it won't wake the neighbors.
I considered it, but the map DVD is under the drivers seat, the JBL amp is under the passenger seat. I thought things were too tight, and neither my wife or I wanted to sit in a seat the was buzzing to the music! Dead center back where I stuck it was my third best choice! I milled some custom corner mounts, got rid of the rubber bumpers, those were way too flimsy!
I do a lot of camping, climbing, and such, and have two big dogs. Trunk space is often at a premium, so I was hoping to minimize the stereo footprint as much as I could. KK6's rig looks nice, except I couldn't block the pass-through like that, so I'd have to move it to one side. I only have a Two, so I have no CD changer or nav or anything else (I assume thats what the "map dvd" is for?). I was hoping to put an amp under the driver's, sub under the passenger's, and then replace the drivers and deck unit as money allows. Thoughts? How much would that 800 really vibrate the passenger seat, do you think? (It wouldn't be mounted TO the seat, would it?) Oh, and KK6, is that a Boss 600 or 800? You say 600 here over at [I'm not allowed to post full links yet] /threads/installing-a-subwoofer.77746/#post-1085299
My bad, typo, I have the 600. the only difference is physical size. Install is the same for the 600 & 800! Pics when you are done!
I am a fan of the Infinity Bass Link which is about $200 through Crutchfield (meaning you may be able to find it for less somewhere else). I've been thinking about throwing one into the Prius now that I share the same need for cargo space.