Has anyone pre-ordered an "AUTOmatic" device and been chosen for their beta launch with early shipping? Its an on-board diagnostic device that will be used with your iphone (or android, later on.) Just wondering if any beta Prius testers were chosen here... I was not. But I have now pestered them to see where I am in the shipping process. They are shipping out the betas now, and have loaded their app in the Apple store as of a couple weeks ago. Just curious about everyone's experiences. Or give your opinion after checking 0ut the website. It seemed fun at the time, just didn't think it would take so long to get here!
I don't know! I just watched a couple of torque videos and they were both done in the UK (or places where they drive from the right hand side of the vehicle and have funny accents...) and seemed more about specific vehicle performance numbers... How do you use your torque app/OBD?
i pre ordered it and was offered to be a beta tester but had to turn it down as i was not going to be around to try it out. cant wait till it comes out
As a long time Torque user I'd say - nice design of UI and a good pricing. The good PR as well. But it is in pre-order stage for months.
Apparently the beta testers have to give feedback, and they will adjust the devices/software and then send out an additional wave. Sigh.
The long development process of HW related apps for iOS is a huge disadvantage of Apple's barriered world. The HW peripheries must be acknowlegeded by Apple to be able communicate with iP.... via their BT LE or AirPlay interface. Hopefuly the Automatic labs will add Prius specific OBD-II PIDs.
Just got mine in the mail this week. Is anyone else using his device? I tried to set it up last night and it wouldn't connect. I even started my gas engine and drove around for a while, etc. That didn't help. I tried the device on another car with no problem setting up (Acura nonhybrid.) Will be trying it again this afternoon and provide some updates. Oddly, I had my first service done last week, and the tire warning light was on after the service. They turned it off, and its back on again. They turned it off again/checked the car (I hope,) and now its back on again. Sigh. Never had a problem the first 5 months...
Apparently the company's server was down when I originally tried to connect, because I connected to my car without the tiniest problem. I took several trips and they were faithfully recorded by the device, although the miles covered was different by about 1 mile, to what my odometer said. Unfortunately, the way IOS 7 is working, I have to have this app already running in the background for it to work. It will not wake up on its own if shut down. Otherwise, I am enjoying following my trips, how far they are, cost per trip(average, since my car does not report exact fuel in the tank,) and so on. If anyone has similar devices, I would enjoy hearing about how you use them!
I like the interface of the app and looking forward for an Android version. I hope the app wil not need their own bluetooth adapter. Will see
I have been enjoying using the device. So far it has not interfered with my phones Bluetooth, all my phone conversation sound great and operate normally. Also the individual trips have been accurate. I'm really looking forward to future developments of the device and software. I'd love to keep talking about it... The only downside is that my Prius does not tell the OBD exactly how much fuel it's using, or how much fuel is in the tank. So that does throw off the calculations of cost per trip, but only slightly. I think my best mileage estimations in terms of cost per gallon and mileage per gallon is through Fuelcubby app or fuelly. I hope they add on a mileage tracking option, that we could use to monitor our mileage for tax purposes.