so i ordered the tail light tint kit from juiced hybrid only to find out its a 3 foot roll of tint (60$) ... auto zone carry's same thing prices from 12 to 30 .. if i have someone tint with the kit i got im looking at 50, 60 for install plus 60 so 110 or 120 might as well get a lower brace. or i wanted to try and get them tinted after taking the kit back see if they will do it for 60 and they include tint, but then began to think about the sticky residue it leaves if you tried pilling off. so today i platidipped my tail lights (smoke) i was thinking black but then again trouble with the law i dont really need. so the smoke gives it the not so chrome look but not to dark to get a ticket either lmk what yall think i dipped both sides but decided to pill off one side so i can get opinions at both looks. it took me about 1 1/2 hours to finish and was very happy i like the smoke look but also the reg look is okay with me to .... left side is plasti dipped smoked right side i cleared to give everyone an example. this time im asking opinions on the tail light tint. maybe i should of went all black, maybe i should have done same color as my logos and wheels, maybe i should just go pay someone to tint with the kit i already baught. opinions and please post your experiences thank you guys.
It would look much better, IMO if you had taken the tail lights apart and PlastiDipped the chrome finished areas instead of the lenses. SCH-I535 now Free
Finally an opinion i can work with hahaha i was wondering how to do that but if i did that I would dip it black or same color i did wheels and logos. If you know a thread on that lmk i seen something like that on heads but had problem fogging after they were done
I think u should get them tinted with %50 tint. To me the dark tinted tails are dangerous and attract unwanted attention. But %50 seems to take the edge off and help blend them into the car.
Respray that side of the car matt black and then let's see. But seriously, I don't think that the effect quite works.
So i should tint them with the kit i have or see if they will do it with the tint for for the same price as i got the kit for?? Or dip them black and smoke to give it more a darker tint ... Only worrys is a fix it ticket pellin off tint with sticky residues .
Try another layer of smoke first... just doesn't look applied. I thought you had sanded the lens and was looking for the next picture.
You might be right i only applied 3 coats and no clear im thinkin of maybe trying it again as another weekend im free .. Apply 5 coats and 2 coats clear ... No sandin down for plasti dip sticks to alot of stuff even primer just doesnt peel off the best tho