We have had some pretty good Santa Ana winds around here for the last few days. On Friday night, I heard some very loud snapping and cracking sounds coming from out front so I went out to see where it was coming from. As I reached the driveway, I looked up and saw half of our tree coming down on top of me. I barely got out of the way, but my C was not as lucky. I guess it could have been worse as I usually park further under our tree. The rear bumper, hatch, left tail light, roof, and sides all have damage; the right tail light is completely blown out. Have already called the home owners insurance and the SOB's are telling me that I'm SOL because it's an "act of God". I'll be calling my auto insurance tomorrow. Oh well, life goes on. Anybody know anything about insurance and "acts of God/nature, I'm all ears.
xliderider, good to know. Luckily I have a great policy and a comprehensive claim should not affect my premium. Great pun by the way.
A similar thing happened to me in Florida, I was required to take out an additional hurricane policy on top of my auto insurance due to the likelihood of damage to the vehicle associated with a tropical storm or hurricane. Two months later a hurricane uprooted a palm tree and it landed on the roof of my car. In my case the additional insurance paid for my car, otherwise without the hurricane policy I would not have been covered. According to my insurance this was consider "An act of god or nature", I realize your situation did not involve a hurricane but hopefully your auto insurance will be able to help you!! Good luck!!
Wow, and I thought the winds were strong in Rancho Cucamonga... Some metallic object hit the lower side of my door while I was on the freeway due to the wind (I believe). I lost a bit of paint from it. Repairs will be just under the deductible, so it will be out of pocket for me. Good luck with yours.
That's standard coverage - homeowner's insurance would pay for damage to your house or any structures (garage, shed, fence, etc.), but any damage to a vehicle is covered only by auto insurance. As you have comprehensive coverage, you'll be fine except for the deductible.
Don't know about your policy but mine treated damage to my cars like damage to house; got reimburesed for repairs to all Mine was hurricane Hugo.Most policies spefically identify 'acts of God' so check yours. About that damage; I will be very surprised if your auto policy doesn't cover your damage but then I suspect it will be labellerd 'total loss' so start looking for replacement. good luck.
hopefully you have the right insurance coverage and get it fixed =D and I avoid trees due to birds and random wraiths of god