I have a 2010 Prius. The hands free/bluetooth has worked fine. All of a sudden, the hands free buttons on the steering wheel do not do anything. No setup. Nothing. Any ideas on this? Talk button, nothing works. No sound or feedback. It is as if it is dead. Ideas?
Does everything else on the Nav system work except for the hands free ? This is the first I have heard of this.
I do not have a nav system. The radio works fine. All of buttons on left side of steering wheel are for hands free and now do nothing. The right side of steering has buttons for volume,etc. these work fine
OK. I just "assumed" with the Four that you would have Nav. If you can find the fuse to the radio you may want to try "rebooting" the radio. Others on here that have similar type problems have reported that a reboot fixed their problem.
Thanks. Is there any doc on reboot? My husband said there were many fuses....he tried them all but if dic on how to reboot we can make sure we did it ok
I would check in the Owner's Manual on page 465. This gives a list of the fuses by number and what they go to.