Okay, I took em off. I dont have a picture with all of them on, but i have a picture with half on half off. and fyi the camera that took these was a sexy little IXY 700 AKA Canon Powershot SD550, but mine was imported from Japan and is a sexy little silver beast
So I just searched Ebay Motors, and yesterday someone successfully sold (1) 2004-2006 TOYOTA PRIUS FACTORY HUB CAP TRIM RING for $15.49 plus 9.99 shipping. 1) Does that sound about right for a price on these, 2) which one of you was the seller?
I still have mine on for now. Seems to me the wheels would be easier to clean with the trim ring, ie, fewer nooks and crannys to get the brake dust off. Oh yeah, I don't use brake pads a whole lot, with regenerative breaking doing the lion's share of the work!
the very few left turn signal lights so you have to use stupid u-turns in the middle of the road and have other people almost hititng you because they are also turning right at the same time you are u-turning state aka Michigan