My 2006 Prius has never seen the inside of a dealership since it was delivered. Which means, among other things, that it never got any of the recall service. The "Hybrid Electric Water Pump" recall runs out on November 30, 2013. The pump I've been using for 95,000 miles has worked fine. So should I go in and get a replacement water pump on the recall, or keep the one that has been working fine?
Get it while you can, those pumps are prone to fail due to defect. That is what the recall is all about. You should also have them do the steering column one if your car is in that one. Read the attached file for more info on the steering column recall.
You would be an idiot not to take advantage of a free fix which will extend the life of your car!!! Unless you really like pain and suffering!
Well, the votes are: fixit 3, skip 0. Thanks for the input. My concern is that a replacement may not be any better than the original. I got one that works, and that may be a precious commodity. On the other hand, since some units have failed with much less mileage, maybe I'm already on borrowed time. What I'd really prefer is for Toyota to just give me a replacement pump. I'll put it in myself if/when the current one fails. But I doubt that would fly.