On a whim, I called Hammer in the San Fernando Valley. They had a red 06, package 8 in stock ready for sale. WOW, can I be there in 30 minutes, sure no problem. Red wasn't my first choice but I can live with it. On my way there I was wondering what the catch was. Well there was a catch, they added chrome rims for the nice total of $1800 Manager tried to tell me how nice they looked, but that put the car out of my budget of what I wanted to spend. So if someone wants a red 06 and doesn't mind paying $1800 for chrome rims call Hammer. Ken
Well a few more calls and I found a 06 Seaside Pearl with dark gray leather. The car will be available in two weeks. I have to drive a couple hours to get it, but this dealer is not adding any expensive options Looks like I'll belong to the club soon !! Ken
Sorry about that. I actually found 2 cars. The one I mentioned in this thread was in Santa Barbara. I found the same config closer to me so I let that one go. If you're interested call and ask for Leo. It should be in around the 10th. List NO extras. Ken
I'll second Avo. nice guy. came in on his day off to deliver my car. stay away from brant though. zolly, from finance is also nice. just make sure you do your homework as he will try to sell you the warranty at premium price.