Way to young. "He was a consummate author, creating the modern-day thriller, and was one of the most visionary storytellers of our time. I will miss him dearly and he will be missed by tens of millions of readers worldwide." Clancy was "ahead of the news curve and sometimes frighteningly prescient." 'The Hunt for Red October' author Tom Clancy dies at age 66 | Fox News
Those cancer sticks will get you every time! I left a 1st edition hardcover of his first book on my first submarine. I actually read it while I was underwater, underway. Great book!
RIP Tom Clancy. His books were some of my favorites. I probably have at least 8-10 of his books in my bookcase. He was the reason that I started reading books again after years of not reading.
Yes, because the ideas from his books were stolen by terrorists and made into real events. Case in point, the 1994 book "Debt of Honor" had a story of a pilot crashing 747 into Capitol Hill killing president and most of the government. We know that Muslim extremists started working on similar ideas soon after and that culminated in 9/11.
Dan Brown had the same idea, except he crashed into the UPS hub! I read "Red Storm Rising" in 23 hours! I was on vacation, I just could not stop reading! What a story teller. I will miss his attention to details. I have his new release already preordered on Amazon! Jack Ryan is back!
I have all his Jack Ryan books, plus Red Storm Rising, and most of his Op Centre series. Every one of these has been read more than once. The amount of detail is such that I seem to find something new in each reading. The only other author that I feel has any similar detail is Frederick Forsyth, but Tom Clancy was several levels above Forsyth. He will be sadly missed.
I've read most of his books / novels. He was a true master of holding your attention, letting your imagination run wild and kept you in suspense. An excellent writer who will be missed!!! RIP Mr. Clancy. DBCassidy