Prius Follies, Take Two

Discussion in 'Environmental Discussion' started by Spunky, Dec 19, 2005.

  1. burritos

    burritos Senior Member

    Feb 13, 2006
    2006 Prius
    No, if the hyperconsumers and hyperwasters commited suicided en masse that might be something though. Nature lost the day our opposable thumbs connected to our brains. Is it possible for a 6 billion population to grow and still preserve a semblance of nature that existed before humans? Doubt it even if we all drove hybrids.

    I'm looking forward to getting my prius, already solar panels, maintain a water bill of less than $20/mo, and recycle everything and anything. It's still a net drain on the environment, and I'm ok with that. But if I'm still hurting the environment, do I have the right to hold a moral disdain to those who are too ignorant to try?
  2. joeh4

    joeh4 New Member

    Feb 1, 2006
  3. joeh4

    joeh4 New Member

    Feb 1, 2006

    These people have an agenda for big business and are not journalists but puppets and have no intention on being objective. They are not pro-american but pro-self at worst and at best fools. That is not to say that buying all the extras on the Prius makes it a big savings but if you bought them here you would of bought them on the gas guzzlers too.
    I did buy mine to save money. With the tax deductions both Federal and the State (I believe is likely to pass in Illinois) I will have paid just over $18,300. That's less then I paid for my 2002 Camry. It will hopefully average twice the MPG, will be about the same interior size as my Camry and will drive as comfortably as I both desire and can afford.
    I do expect with China & India fast developing and needful of huge amounts of natural resources thanks to multi-national companies building our factories "over there" that before I trade or use up the life of my vehicle, gas will be $5.00/gal in the U.S.A. not just because of the oil useage but because of the devaluation of the dollar as presently being propigated by this administration. I have owned 6 new subcompacts and am too old to drive the little cars again unless I quite have to and therefor find the Prius to be a savings in more ways then one compared to what I would drive. Moreover as I have aged and develped lung problems I find the environmental protection of our country something to be desired not scoffed at, though I am not an environmentalist.
    So I find it ludicrous to say there is a $9,000 difference and that it won't save money. Moreover Toyota has already announced prices will come down to regular car prices by 2008 in a recent article posted on this wonderfully informative site.


    Joe(middleclasser penny pincher) :)