I bought my Prius in July 2004 and just hit 203K when another driver rear-ended me at low speed. From initial estimates it appears just the rear bumper needs replacement, and hatch dents removed and latch realigned. However, the insurance company wants to call it totaled. I'm really torn... it still runs great, getting 40 mpg on average (more hwy driving, 70 mph on interstates), uses about 1 qt oil per 5K miles, change oil every 5K. Have had both brake sets replaced once, in past 30K miles. Still have original batteries. Replaced one headlight. At this point, I wouldn't mind a few small dents or rust spots if the car keeps running reliably and safely. But at this age/mileage, would it be throwing good money after bad? E.g., possibly needing to replace batteries, tires, maybe another water pump? If the accident repairs exceed the limit and insurance company requires a salvage title, should that matter to me if I have no plans to sell to anyone else? Thoughs/experience would be most appreciated! If there's a better forum to post this, let me know and I can cross-link it.
If the damage is JUST COSMETIC I would get what money you can from the insurance company. Repair the hatch so it functions properly and run it till the wheels fall off. RAL
From what you describe, the repair would be about $1000.00 or less. You would have to pay a deductable anyway, so just keep it going until it drops. You are way ahead of the game at 203k. I agree with the two posts above. Drive it with the damage, or get it fixed, but either way, I'd keep it!
Its' paid for, you have very good luck with it, and gets good gas mileage. get the damage fixed and as mentioned, run it into the ground. DBCassidy
I have over 320,000 miles on my 2005. It suffered major vandalism damages recently, windows, lights, rear hatch and body. I got half the estimated cost to repair from the insurance company, so I have been replacing the damaged parts myself a few at a time. It is surprisingly inexpensive and relatively easy to do. I get over 50 mpg with no signs of battery failure, so I plan to drive it as long as it will go. I am even thinking of adding a plug-in kit to her. I test drove a 2013 and if I had the money, I would buy a new one, they are even better, but as long as this one runs, I will keep repairing and driving her. I strongly recommend fixing the bumper, so it looks decent and functions properly. Getting the hatch working is critical or the sensor will eat 12v batteries. If you can figure out how to do these things yourself, it will not cost very much. You have to stand up to the insurance company maybe even threaten to hire a lawyer.