I'm in the market for a pre-owned Prius and I can't decide between the Four and the Five (or the IV and the V) - I'd love a Five with the Solar Sunroof package but for some odd reason it appears that this isn't offered. Although the Five has cool features, the ones that stand out to me are the LED headlights and the 17" wheels. Thoughts or suggestions? Anyone get a Solar Sunroof only to figure out that the sunroof wasn't that useful or too noisy? Thanks.
I've heard it was a weight issue. Those 17" wheels and tires weigh more than the 15" ers. They didn't want to add solar/moonroof to all that. Plus, a Five w/ solar and all options would have been $$$
D headlights and the 17" wheels. Thoughts or suggestions? Anyone get a Solar Sunroof only to figure out that the sunroof wasn't that useful or too noisy? Thanks.[/quote] i have the solar moonroof and all the extras, I would highly recommend the 4 unless you have a family if you have 2or 3 kids then you're going to need the 5. U can see my pic here.. i'm glad I payed a little more..good luck of course when you open the moonroof it's a little noisier than with it closed ;-) get the 4 and pay for the xtras, u won't b sorry. U gotta pay to play..don't b such a cheapskate jk
Price isn't really a consideration - not that much of a difference between a pre-owned loaded Four and a Five - just asking opinions on solar roof vs LEDs and 17s. I'm leaning towards a Four with the Solar Sunroof - i'm guessing others have added the LEDs afterwards.
Changing to the led headlights/housings seems easy but it is not easy nor cheap. Converting to HIDs, very easy and cheap.
If you really want a sunroof you have to get a III or IV. In addition to LED headlights some advantages of a V include 17" wheels with matching suspension and a quicker steering ratio. Also you might be lucky enough to find a V with the ATP (advanced technology package) which includes the DRCC (radar cruise control) and LKA (lane keeping assist), both of these options are unavailable on the other versions. As far as I know all of us who have the DRCC are sold on it, it makes driving both easier and safer. As Paradox posted above adding LED headlights to a III or IV would be very expensive and difficult. Even though a sunroof would be nice I have never regretted buying a V rather than a version III or IV Good luck in your search. Referring to the above post by Matt B. There has, understandably, been some confusion since the larger version of the Prius, called the Prius v (lower case v) was introduced. Confusion exists because there was already a 2010 Prius V (upper case V) also known in subsequent years as the Prius 5. The Prius V (big V) is a version of the original Gen3 Prius same as the I, II, III, and IV. The Prius 5 is the same as the Prius V. The Prius v (little v) is the larger (station wagon) Prius which is a different, larger, chassis but still has the same drive train, etc. I think in this version the v stands for versatile.
I faced the same decision and haven't regret went with the IV. Like you I love the combo of solar roof and LED headlights and 17" wheels, and a brief Youtube search confirmed these are available in one package, but just not here in the states So I broke my decision down to what I could and couldn't live without, and what I could and couldn't add in afterward. I could put SOME of the V's features (those that are important to me like headlights, wheels, fog, etc) on a solar roof IV, but couldn't put a solar roof on a V. The solar roof has been wonderful to me since I personally find hot leather seats very uncomfortable. An additional benefit is the traction battery won't get as hot during park as well. Good luck with your decision.
I faced the same decision and went with the loaded IV and then just added the 17" wheels - haven't regretted it for one second. The 17" wheels/tires make a huge difference in the sport feeling/look and the sunroof is really terrific. This is about the only way to get everything on the car.....it is awesome....good luck!
I was faced with the same decision and I went with the V. I love the wheels and the LED Headlights but the real advantage is with the advanced technology package. The radar cruise and pre collision system are priceless! the system literally stopped me from rear ending a car on the freeway. I wish I had a sunroof, but a sunroof is a minor trade off for a system that can help you avoid an accident. Thats my $.02
So the V/Five actually has faster steering and a sportier suspension? Or is it just the 17" wheels making it feel more sporty? I may have to drive one.
If you are in TX, go for the roof. Tomorrow will mark the 1st month of ownership of my '11' four. It's awesome not to have to come back to a roasting car in work clothes. Now, if you park in a parking garage or in the shade most often it will minimize some of the benefit. The wheels & lights are more bling to me than function. With my annual mileage, I'd prefer to pay for the smaller tires too.
Yes to both. We verified the suspension differences by checking part numbers on line so I am not sure exactly what was done but there are different numbers for some of the suspension components. The quicker steering you can verify yourself, just count the turns lock to lock of any Prius version I through IV then do the same with a version V or 5. I did this and if I remember correctly there is almost a full turn less for the V.