Maybe a little too technical but I have seen a lot more than what I want to do on this forum. Arduino + Raspberry Pi + Speaker = Jetsons sound when on battery only and backup beep when reversing Anyone thing it's possible or know how I might pull it off? I'm not familiar with Python but I am a quick learner when it comes to languages and could program it without a real problem (I would hope). But it's the Arduino and Raspberry Pi I am not sure of.
12V USB car adapter + USB cable + RasPi + OBDII-USB cable + Audio cable + Software = Jetson's sound from your speakers?
Sparkfun sells an OBD-II kit that will interface nicely with Arduino to monitor your speed (to keep the Jetsons sound at the proper pitch). The Arduino could also tie into the backup light circuit to trigger a reverse alarm. All the electronics would mount internally and drive an amplifier tied to an external speaker. I say go for it. There's a page on Wikipedia (search for OBD-II PIDs) and the Sparkfun website has a page giving examples of what you can do with their OBD-II diagnostic kit (which comes with the board and the cable, BTW). I'm looking at the OBD-II myself to possibly build an Arduino-controlled louver to manage airflow to the radiator--essentially an automatic radiator blocker for year-round use. I'll keep y'all posted.