Searching on the internet I found an interesting articles for mirroring Iphone, Android etc. Kivic One (Kivic One)- what it does is that transmit wireless what the Iphone is displayed to the head unit screen (of course you need and AV input - say Beat sonic AVC39). Here's a demo: Mimics ( - Introducing Mimics - The Ultimate iPhone-in-your-car Experience. - Blogs)- what it does is that apparently with a module and some wiring work can transform the actual head unit screen to a mirrored iPhone touchscreen. Even they provide a touchscreen and dash kit (not yet for Prius C). Need Iphone to be Jailbreak in order to use some Cydia Apps and Mimics. Here's a demo: Look very interesting, I know that someone jump and do this je, je. What about combining the two of them?
Example of the mix of the Kivic One and MimicsX2 with external monitor, mmm still want to see if actual Head Units can do this somehow.
JVC, Kenwood, Sony, and clarion have Mirrorlink head units (maybe others now). Crutchfield had a killer deal on a JVC unit that had mirrorlink, I bought one for my wife's car and returned it. The app was buggy, and that killed the WAF (wife approval factor).