Hi all, For the past month or so my combination meter (I'm pretty sure that's what it's called) has been acting really strange. I usually always have it set to the setting that has the sliding scale that shows you ecno or pwr. It only acts strange when going up a long fairly step grade in I-80 for about 2 or so miles. When going up the grade the sliding scale is up pretty far on the pwr side but the display acts wavy, it doesn't go out but you can see a kind of wave action in the display. This is the only time you can see it. Does anybody know why or if it indicates possibly an upcoming failure? Thanks for your thoughts
By any chance, are you wearing polarized sunglasses? The polarizing effect of the glasses interferes with your ability to see the display and normal movements of your head will generate a "wavy" effect. I have a pair of non-polarized glasses just for the Prius.
I don't think it's that. I wear the same sunglasses all the time and it only is noticeable on this certain stretch of road. It thin it may have to do with the pitch of the road and the certain amount of power the ICE is putting out. As soon as I come to the top of the hill and let off of the gas a little the display returns to normal. It's very weird LOL.
Do you notice a similar effect when watching a CRT TV and, say, brushing your teeth? It could be relative movement between your eyes and a rapidly refreshing display. As you follow the interlaced display, small movements in your eyes could be displacing lines to be closer then further apart. It's not like lines are missing, right?
I have a dashcam and it shows the 'wave' that I don't see when watching the display. The digital camera apparently can hit a 'beat frequency' with the display update. So let me suggest a couple of experiments: adjust the display intensity - a control on the lower, left-side. Run the display between the minimum and maximum values to see if there is any difference. is this an area subject to unusual lighting, shade(?), when the problem occurs? take the sunglasses off - just briefly to see if there is a perceived change some people are more sensitive to 'flicker' . . . low-level, florescent lights drive me nuts! I doubt it. However, it might be useful to get your report of a problem "on the record" if the car is still under the 3/36000 mile warranty. Bob Wilson
Bob's on the right track. There's something about the relative frequencies between the display and the receiver. Your eyes don't scan like a camera or an old CRT TV, but they do have to deal with a lot of data and they cope by throwing a lot of it away with your brain filling in the gaps. It is worthwhile having an eye test so that you have a baseline upon which to compare a future eye test. I'm not saying that there is something wrong with your eyes and anyway Bob said it first. It might be simply that your eyes are more sensitive to flicker. I have an occasional issue where the display buzzes and dims and seems to be missing every 5th line or so. I solve this by switching the lights off and on again. The change in brightness seems to reset the display.