I am having trouble using the Prius Charging Timer. When I leave it blinking and plug in the charger (240 V), the charger turns on for a few seconds and then turns off. If I try several times, it finally stays on. If I turn on the Timer (green symbol on dash) and leave it to charge, it usually never charges at the set time. What am I doing wrong? I never have any problems with charging of my Nissan Leaf.
larry - with my 2013 pip, i long press the clock button and then get to the stop and start times, and another short press brings up the timer symbol on the display. i then plug my charger in and the indicator light does come on briefly and i assume it goes off shortly after - have never stopped to verify that. next morning, i am all charged up. first thing i would check - you are setting the start and stop times to the desired time - first 2 times i tried, i ended up inadvertently changing the clock time, not the timer start, stop. sincerely; m
I think you are describing normal function. When the timer is set, and you plug in, the car briefly communicates with the charging cable, then "sleeps" until the appropriate time. If you plug in, then unplug, the timer goes off, so the second time the plug-in "sticks" and charging is immediate.
You only set a start time or a stop time. You do not set both, it is one or the other. If you want to charge right now, do not set any timer, just plug in and it will charge. biking maniac is correct.
That is perhaps the most confusing aspect of the charging system. Almost everyone assumes that a Start/Stop timer means that you are setting the time to start charging, and the time to stop charging. This is how one did it on VCRs in the old days. This is not what is on the PiP. You can either set the start timer, and it will charge until complete starting at that time. Or you can set the stop timer, and it will begin charging some time before such that charging will be complete by the Stop time.
thank you for that information - i guess the last screen it shows - either stop or start before the little timer shows up is the one it uses. i had assumed incorrectly it was like a vcr - and kept a 4 hour window between the start-stop.
just to add.....once you have your correct timer set, and you want to use it anytime therafter, you simply push it once to set it. No worries about anything else, as one push of the timer button will choose the same timer you last used, and you get the blinking green light. There had been talk of the END TIMER not filling the battery as much, but after testing i did not find that to be true, using either timer fills battery equally IMO. Dan
If the timer is blinking, then it is not set, but rather in the "change the start/end time" mode. You have to enter a new time and/or press the timer button again to confirm the time, else the timer is not set. Mike
To me, the manual is very clear in instructions for activating, setting, changing and cancelling the start timer or the finish timer. If everything else fails - consult with your instruction manual...
I want to thank everyone who responded to my question. I finally figured out what was the problem. I had the Charger Start Time set to 9 PM, and I was trying to start charging bu plugging in the 240 V charger after 9 PM. If I started charging before 9 PM, the charging started at 9 and went fine. Larry