I voted "1"... Seems to me what 'ole hort is doing is perfectly rational. He's simply getting a really rough *feel* given a hypothetical situation...
What Fusco pointed to was not rhetoric. He gave you the beginnings of a business plan. You asked for input from potential customers but when their numbers weren't going in the desired direction, did you analyze and accept the results of that analysis? No, instead you asked the same question. Twice. :blink: Not only would that be bad logic and a misuse of the science of statistics (that's what a poll is, stats), it's kinda kooky. If you want to get into the business of developing and marketing a new product, better learn and follow good business practices. Otherwise you'll just be wasting your investments of time and money.
Oh, and while you're busy learning how to please your customers, you should brush up on your typing. The use of all caps IS annoying.
I would pay whatever it takes to have a true grid-charged hybrid that was well integrated. College students one mile from here have been doing it for 10 years... why not the auto makers? Would cost them about $3k to do what the college made for $10k. A full-size Suburban with 60 miles of pure EV range? More towing capacity than the factory unit? 30mpg after the battery is depleted? Sign me up.
thanks to everyone who participated in this poll ive got some very good material, all of this is very good except the rhetoric comments from the snotty and arrogant which I don't read anyway ever. Just to save those people the wasted time of typing a long message to me, I won't read it, it's equivalent to diareah dripping in my ear. thanks
horton... you can continue as you are or do what other very successful suppliers here at PriusChat have already done. make a good product, test it on your car, and let us know how it does. ask Norm about his CANVIEW sales or ask VAIS about the AIC ipod interface or ask about the stabiilzer bar... i mean, it goes on and on. these guys did something about it. AND (sorry maggie) if its good, PriusChat will come and will come thick and fast. now you say you need justification?? come on man... do you really?? is your plan so shaky you need someone to tell you to do it? ok, im telling you... do it. if it works as you seem to say it does (although we have no real information) then i will buy it. you can bank on that.
I buy products from people and companies that I respect. I like companies that are well informed and listen to their customers. I deal with companies that have good planning and business sense. I am sure that one capitalized word is OK with most folks Dave.
Horton, I'm not a prius owner, but I would be interested in the $2k option ONLY if it didn't void the warranty. And I have a STRONG feeling that your mod will surely void both the bumper to bumper and the powertrain and hybrid warranty. <_< For that reason, it could be a hard sell for those who are under warranty. For those who are beyond warranty, I think you'll have a good market for it... If I were you, I would mod my car and put up a website and post results and test test test test test. People wouldn't want any ill-side effects. Interested parties will contact you if your solution is reasonable... Just think about it, while you're constantly polling people, you could have already started mod'ing your car and could instead be posting how well your mod performs. If people aren't interested, you'll be left with a nice EV.
Put it on the market and let people choose. There are many factors to be considered. Do I get something like this and risk my warrantee? What are the pluses and minuses? All these things are going to affect selling such a project.
You would never hear God though a donkey nor babes, because unless someone strokes your ego, you cannot accept truth. If your really an elder you should know what I reference. I have decided your unteachable...... I have wasted alot of energy on you that you have counted as dung. Learn your lessons the hard way if you will, and don't come crying on here when it all falls apart trying to blame everyone but yourself. I think I'm kinda sorry for your wife..... or whoever has to live with you... theres alot about life you have never learned and I shutter at the prospect that you may councel other people as an elder. I won't bother you any more and you can be assured of that "Mr. Elder" your most honorable infallible _______. You can fill in the space for me that if what I speak is truth you will be forced to hear it through others anyway... If I'm full of crap, then you won't. It appears you are much too in love with your ego to learn much from "anybody".... good luck. It has not been a pleasure dealing with you.. but I gave you the benifit of a doubt, and as even a fool is counted as wise until he opens his mouth.... at least now I know who I'm dealing with.
It seems obvious to me that OEM Plug-in Hybrids for the rest of us are just a year or two away. Just consider: - College kids and others are building prototypes that work well. - Recent battery technology breakthroughs make the current Prius battery seem obsolete. - Fleets of Plug-in Hybrids are already delivered or on-order (e.g. the recent UPS order) - Government (even Bush) is finally joining the plug-in bandwagon. The price point that makes Plug-ins a success is the big question. (And is the subject of this poll) But we all know that the rising cost of gas, and the dropping cost of new technology batteries will guarantee success sooner or later.
Welcome Green1!..... Glad to have your viewpoints! Toyota has technology far above the existing prius, but it cannot be released until part "batteries" become available at a reasonable price. I'm sure they could make the mg1 electric motor run at higher speeds, but until they can market batteries at a reasonable price, there is no need for the added expense of making the hybrid part where it is able to handle higher speeds. I expect to see that very thing coming into being once batteries are here that we all can afford.... I expect they already have the technology. Making something work in a lab is one thing, but unless you can make the batteries or some alternative too, your dependent upon those manufacturers to meet the demand.... otherwise price is too astronomical. I for one would never pay 12K for the ability to go 42mph for 40 miles.. but when they can get it up to 60 or better, we can talk. Just that little bit if extra edge gives me the ability to drive the freeway with respect and get somewhere in a timely manner without getting ran over and/or inciting road rage and hatred for hybrids.