It's the dark of night, about 9pm on a semi-rural 2-lane inter-town road in the eastern Massachusetts suburbs. I'm hyper-miling at about 27 mph in a 30 zone, trying to stay in EV 99mpg mode. Apart from an SUV pacing me at about 10-15 feet, there's no other traffic on the road. At the nearest available intersection, I slow down, right-signal, and pull out of the lane to let him to pass. He hesitates, flashes his brights, then honks as he passes. I honk back. I was just getting out of your way, you arsehole, I think as he speeds off. I hope you get a ticket. Massachusetts drivers have always been a rude bunch, but the malevolence seems to have increased as impatient Boomers and X-Genners replace the WWII generation. It felt more like the 1950s in Nova Scotia this past July; the locals take the narrow roads at a pretty fast clip and I would pull over and let them pass; they would honk their horns, too, but it was clearly a "thank you", not a "f--- you". I don't see why I should have to pay more at the pump because of impatient, risk-taking drivers. I try to get out of their way, and more often than I like, I end up burning fuel to just move along and keep from angering people. I don't look for trouble on the roads, but I'm starting to think I need a dash cam and a rear-view cam in case a problem escalates. Fortunately, the pump-and-coast approach lends itself to jack rabbit starts at the light, so I get out of the intersection quickly which helps one or two more people get through the green light. But once I'm cruising along at or near the speed limit, I don't let the tailgaters push me around. If they don't like it, they can pass. There's a consensus "10 miles over the limit" around here that may fly with young-at-heart speedsters, but I'd rather get where I'm going safely and economically and without ruining my driving record (21 years without a citation). Am I being a jerk?
Congrats for pulling over. I do that also. I've faked a right turn (or sometimes turned into a driveway) just to get them off my butt. Also, for some reason, it often seems like there's just one. Even when there are a total of a dozen cars behind me, the first car is right on my butt whereas car number two is 100 feet back. Not to mention when there's one car right on my butt and I assume there's a line but no; just him in some self-induced sense of urgency. My favorite is when they ignore passing lane opportunities and/or stay right behind me in the right lane completely ignoring the left lane. Some of us use the term "Reverse Pass" to mean when we move into the left lane and slow down so they will pass us on the right and then we move back behind them. So no, you're not the jerk.
Thanks Yes I sometimes move to the left when a tailgater just doesn't get it. Another strategy to deal with someone who would rather tailgate than pass, is the old "I'm looking for an address" trick. I slow down at each mailbox to read the number. Nope, not this one, must be a couple of houses down. Oh, how they hate that. Eventually they'll rev the engine and pass me rather dramatically, flipping the finger, as though they had been mortally wounded. Once or twice I've coincidentally pulled into a parking space right next to Mr. or Ms. Tailgater. I wasn't stalking them or looking for trouble; I'm usually in a world of my own and clueless about such things, but I just happened to notice them, and in every case they would avoid eye contact and slink meekly away. Rambo turns into Bambi.
Driving is not a game to see how many mpgs you are getting, you are sharing the road with others, be polite drive the speed limit at least even if it means you get .1 mpg less.
i hear you blister! driving the speed limit does not help as most people drive 10-20+ over. this morning, on the way home from church we were passed twice by vehicles crossing the double yellow line while we were doing the speed limit. i never even got a chance to fake the pullover. the worst part? second car was a prius v!
You do know the "speed limit" is supposed to be the upper limit, in good conditions? And you're supposed to take it a little easy in less than ideal conditions, say dead of night, raining, and so on? At least it was, once upon a time. And drivers suddenly remember, when there's a cop in view. I appreciate there's some instances when the speed limit seems frustratingly low, but just saying.
I agree completely. There is no reason to alienate other drivers by driving under the speed limit on a clear road and to take dramatic measures to squeeze every ion of energy from fuel. Drive smoothly, consistently and legally and you will still get excellent fuel mileage. The speedometer in our Prius v reads particularly higher than the car's true speed. If the speedometer reads 35 mph, the car is really traveling between 32 and 33 mph. I have noticed that the automatic braking on down hill stretches when using cruise control or when the radar senses a car ahead tends to surprise drivers following behind and I notice them sometimes sharply applying their brakes. I think it would be better if the automatic braking feature lit up the brake lights which I assume it does not - has anyone checked? It seems to help drivers following behind me if I set the following distance of the radar cruise control to the medium or shortest distance setting. If it is set for the longest following distance, the car can start braking or otherwise slow down while the car in front of me is quite a long distance away which seems to be disconcerting for drivers following behind me. I almost always drive the speed limit at a vehicle's true speed when conditions allow it. Doing that has never seemed to bother other drivers and I often sense it encourages other drivers to slow down. Maybe they think I know something they don't - like a speed trap just around the bend.
In areas with multiple speed limits for different classes of vehicles, can you be polite enough to allow me to choose a slower limit?
Maybe the SUV was trying to draft after you. Gee. That's why he was upset when you let him pass. SAMSUNG-SGH-I747 ? 2
yes, plug in. not referring to your post, i don't know if speedo's are accurate or inaccurate by model, or individual car.
Naaah. Not all the way. You have to remember that EVERYBODY is SOMEBODY'S jerk. That's just what happens when you cram a bunch of human animals together on the same road. You would have gotten bonus points for not honking, and you have to be really careful about doing that these days anyway. I've seen people on this very forum loft a 500-word tear-stained, invective riddled profanely angry post about those %&$#@# JERKS on the roads picking on Priuses. Hypocrisy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You did the right thing, and if you REALLY wanna torque off somebody that's in a bad mood? Just smile and wave! Works every time! THAT's because jerks trend to be self-punishing.
Here's another agle. Of all the drivers we run across on our daily commutes, it's only one out several hundred that feels the need to be the tailgating jerk. That means that the other 99% were reasonable people just trying to get to work without any personal agendas. The best way to deal with the obvious Prius tail gating hater (we are excluding the clueless tailgating lemings here) is to just ignore them. It really pisses them of ever more if you don't give a rats a$$ about them. Just drive the speed limit (or maintain your speed if travelling faster) and don't show any signs that their actions bother you (even if it does). They are looking for a reaction from you as confirmation that what they are doing is working. Stay in control of the situation. Resist tapping on the brakes. Just keep driving. Eventually they will give up and go tailgate the CMax driver. You will feel better about having the upper hand all along. Again, in general most people on the road do not have an agenda against Prius drivers.
Oh. Almost forgot. Don't forget to display your NRA bumper stickers or "Guns don't kill people. People kill people" sticker.
I've gotten that rudeness going up a hill from a red light where I didn't attain the 45 limit within 2 seconds. Guy pulled up beside me, started cussing me out, and demanded I pull over for a chat. Humorously, right before that I was thinking about how sluggish I felt going into work and in getting my blood boiling it woke me right up.
I don't see why I should pay more at the pump just because some guy (and it's not unheard of for it to be a female) behind me is in a big hurry. That said, I do generally keep up with the traffic when I have to; hate to do it, but I don't want to be that jerk who is making 20 people behind him have to slow down. Now for a fun fact: there was a time, some 70-80 years ago, when one man calling another man a "jerk" was grounds for a fistfight. Women might say "You hussy!", also a profound insult. I miss living in Phoenix, where the roads are wide and there's plenty of room. In my neighborhood, the main streets were three lanes in each direction, plus bike lanes, plus center turn lane, plus right turn lanes. At the intersection, you might be looking at 10 full lanes!!! And flat as a pancake. The problem there is not so much tailgaters (they do have'em, mainly California or Eastern transplants who brought their aggressive driving habits with them). It's people running lights. Apparently in Mexico the notion of a stop light is less well known. You really have to be careful. They've put cameras up at most of the major intersections to catch these goofballs.
Those tailgaters are actually well meaning NASCAR fans trying to help you hypermile. It is well known by fans of the sport that having a drafter decreases the energy expenditure of the lead car. Always slow down so that they can get as close as possible. They will no doubt appreciate the fuel savings themselves. I do feel like the lowest overall coefficient of drag could be achieved if the larger vehicle went in front but I appreciate their enthusiasm for protecting our environment and I always give them a friendly wave and smile as they pass.
Stupid is what stupid does. When tailgaters honk for me to go faster, I just act stupid like I'm in a daydream world. I act like I'm startled with their ire, step on the brakes and look all around, like they are trying to warn me of "impending danger." Then, I ignore them. By honking at me, they have caused me to slow down even more.