If you lock the car using the remote, but then return to the car and attempt to unlock by just grabbing the door handle the car does not unlock. I am guessing that everyone encounters this same thing? I was unable to return a search where someone else asked about it but was wondering is there anyway to disable this so that no matter how the vehicle is locked the SKS will allow the door to unlock by just grabbing the handle? I often forget to lock the car until I get to my house door then end up running back to the car to lock it by the door handle so I don't have to get my keys out next time I go to the car.
OP, don't keep your fob and phone in the same pocket. If that's what you do, then the phone can interfere with the fob. SCH-I535
Interesting thing is I just tried to duplicate it this morning and it won't do it. Maybe it was just an isolated incident before.... Interesting.
I figured it out, it was when my girlfriend would leave her keys in the car. We than had to lock the car with the remote, but because the keys are in the car sks doesn't work.
Mobilized, glad you figured it out. The reasons things are done the way they are is usually for an obvious reason. I have always used the door handle to lock up as well as unlock. Don't want to be bothered to take my keys out of my pocket. Anyway it was the "11th hour" & we had to go w/o her keys. First time we stopped for a break on the trip, the car emitted the constant beep when I tried to lock it from the door handle. Looking in at the dash readout it said "key detected in car". So now we knew we had her key with us...., somewhere in the car. I learned that I could still lock the car using the remote fob. Didn't even know I could do that. We later found her key in an extra handbag she had brought. I think, that if you lock the car with the remote, you have to unlock the car with the remote. However if you lock the car using the door handle, you can unlock it using the remote.....? Think that is how it works.