I know it's not a big deal here but I finally got a chance to do it! 506 miles I know this was easy based on calculations in the Prius. Nevertheless, the chance to do it without the person next to me nagging is tough. I was able to without her and this is from mixed miles and not really trying. Just my basic commute and a trip out to the East Bay. 506 miles. 46.9 mpg. Filled up 10.8 gallons so had about a gallon left. Woo HOOO!
A good challenge but not too inspired. Reading some of the post on how 600 miles was achieved, it's not for me. It was great to able to do the 500 mile tank without really trying.
Agreed! In my first years of Prius ownership, I studied the high and low mileage Prius owners and learned their results were more driven by accident of home and work than anything else. Learning how the car works, we can mitigate some of the mileage effects but I've grown skeptical about driving style claims . . . especially with the current generation of Prius. So I agree with John1701a, 'just drive the car' and have a happy. Bob Wilson
From what I read, some people have the time to really go out of their way to accomplish this. This was done on my regular commute, errands etc.. so nothing really out of the ordinary. Avg MPG is def. going up... and though I like to take credit, its not me! finally broken in? I'm just over 8k miles now.
Bob hit on it. I've lucked into a pretty ideal commute. Actually, it is a bit lower this year because I'm leaving for work too early and I'm missing out on the slow and go on 880 and the San Mateo Bridge.
I have never found it "slow" on the San Mateo.. but often on 880.. but then again.. I don't commute on those roads! Are you cruising at 55 in the emergency lane up and over 580? Everyone is usually doing 75+ on that stretch.. so alternate route?
Actually, that is almost correct. I'm usually between 58- 60 mph on the speedometer, in the right lane. Typically, on my drive home, traffic is so heavy, that people can't go much faster than 60 mph, so I'm not too slow for too many people. In the morning, I'm definitely too slow, but I'm in the right lane, and they have 2 left lanes with which to zoom by. The extra bonus is that the winds are sometimes very calm in the morning, and whip up in the afternoon, thus I don't get much of a headwind coming into work, but do get a tail wind coming home. Sometimes the tailwind is a cross/tail wind, but it isn't a headwind.
58-60mph... wow.. Now I know who's causing the back ups! Great to see you can get great mpg in the Prius but that's just something I'm not going to do to get there. Im quite giddy being able to drive 70-80 mph and still get 46-47mpg.
Not quite true . . . we look for the opportunity to use slower traffic as the pacing vehicle: semi-trailer truck pickup truck with a trailer full of landscaping equipment the SUV with the handicap tags the big *ss Lincoln that appears to be self-driving by the 'little old' person Been there; done that; . . . followed at a cop-safe distance. Bob Wilson
I pretty much do what Bob had in his post. Often times, I do find that person or vehicle driving slower than me or slow enough to follow behind and life is good. I can't get close to 60 on my trips into the City, way too many hills. You're doing well to get 45 lifetime if a bunch of your driving is in SF. I estimate that I'd get low to mid 50's if I drove 65 mph, but I got this vehicle for the awesome gas mileage and I exploit its strengths as best I can.
My commute is only like 20 miles with moderate hills around SF so that doesn't help... I'm certain if it was longer and flatter, it would be better.
Oh no, just on 101 and in SF. So from hilly streets to freeway. 20 miles is my total commute.. not one way. yes, I don't drive enough to really "need" a Prius.
Congrats! Not an easy thing to do with hills. I find I get my best mileage when I dont look at it and just drive. Also when 880 is just a smooth 35-40 mph then its cake. I think if I didnt live in the east bay hills, I would see 60mpg sometimes.