...when I plug in my iPhone to charge, either from the USB port in the center console or from the "cigarette outlet" on the floor, I get tremendous static on the FM radio. Never had that problem with my 2005 Prius. Anyone have a work-around?
My solution is twofold. 1. I don't listen to the radio, and 2. I don't have an iPhone.... OK, I'll shut up and go away....
First, I will start off by saying I hate Apple. With that said, are you using an actual Apple Supplied Charging Cord, or an after-market? If after-market, try the original Apple Cord. Also, do you have one of those battery jump packs on the phone? If so, it will increase the power draw and possibly cause your problem. If none of those apply, until Apple release an iCar, you may be out of luck...
if that's the biggest, that's pretty good.. you only get static noise or break up when tuned to a station? I have never experienced that.
It only happens when I'm tuned into certain stations, but of course they are the ones I listen to the most. Except, of course, when I'm charging the phone ;-(
oh and I'm actually fairly impressed by the stereo, non JBL, btw. Only minor gribe I have is poor reception and can't get a clear HD signal.. but I think it's where I live.
Get a 12V->USB car charger and stop charging from the internal USB. You won't have the static, and your phone will charge faster.
I had this problem exactly with my Gen II, and it occurred regardless of whether it was usb or usb via 12V outlet power. The static - or what was more like a low level buzz - was probably due to the analog connection (wired). The was very similar to "old fashioned" distributor feedback, that is, it ramped up as the RPM increased. However, I have not had any buzz or static problem with the PiP using BT or a wired (phono) connection.
I had the exact same problem. A strange hum noise. Turned out to be the cheap cable I was using. Get an oem Apple one. iPad ? HD
You're probably using a poorly designed charger. These things actually are small inverters, prone to generating high frequency interference. On proper designs those HF components are effectively filtered out. Try and get different ones on loan from friends or family and see if problem goes.