The bad: Your new car got hit The good: There actually are some good people left int he world. Example, she left a note apologizing along with her number. Sounds like it isn't so bad. Cheer up chum!
i can't remember who did the survey a few years ago. it was a survey to find out how many cars, and what make, model were hit by other car's, and shopping carts. the results were just under 90% were corvettes. the other results i did not find noteworthy, so i don't remember.
What I find strange is the fact that she knew ahead of time almost to the penny what would take place to fix the car. Even down to the fact that he would get his deductible back..she didn't by any chance suggest the shop to take it to did she????
My friend that works for State Farm suggested the collision center to me. I took the car to them to get a quote before deciding to move forward with them. At the moment, I'm not sure if I will get the deductible back or not. It all depends on if she has insurance and if they will pay. Seeing that she left me a note, I would guess she has insurance and that I will get my deductible back.
My heart bleeds for you, but my advice would be that next time you park next to the most expensive car you can find in the car-park (Roller, High-end Bimmer, Lexus or whatever), to do so often means that you won't get "dinged" and any would-be thief is sure to go for the glittering prize! Good luck, with your repairs, and at least you have an address to which to send the bill (do you? Sorry, you didn't make that clear - also I think I'd have informed the local PD, if only to have them make a report which might be useful in the event of any future dispute with the guilty party or the insurance company (who would have insisted on a Police Report, anyway) - it's called covering your own back-side!
Sadly, the note is more likely to be a CYA of another form. Any bystander would think the offender was offering up insurance info, when all they were leaving was a "sorry, tough luck" note.