Every time I push the button to issue a voice command, the NAV lady tells me "Voice recognition mode is finished." This happens no matter what I say and no matter what screen I am on. Ambient noise in the cabin seems to make no difference. So, I wonder to myself, "Hmm maybe voice recognition mode *is* finished." Have I disabled something, or what?
Is it possible that you're holding the button down too long? A quick push and release is all that is needed, then wait for the little beep before issuing the command. If you hold the button down a bit longer then it seems to cancel itself. If that's not the problem then I agree that something more serious is probably wrong, so fingers crossed for ya.
Well, I'll be. That was exactly it. I was holding the button while speaking. Silly me, expecting this mike to behave like every other push-to-talk mike ever made. Thanks.
Good idea. I just did, too. A well-deserved point for delrey. :clap: And here's a point for Batavier for the idea. :idea:
I kept getting the same response from the voice lady.... I was wondering what I was doing wrong. I haven't tried it yet but I am hopeful. Thanks for asking and anwering. Tara