Hi everybody, Does anybody have problem for you Prius have look like orange peel on the engine and rust ? thanks
I have 2013 Prius Two, noticed the same thing on mine. In similar areas as well. I'd be curious to learn if this is an issue. On another note, I've heard there are rust preventers to spray to protect engine from rust. Anyone have experience with this?
You might want to edit your subject line so that it's more descriptive of an issue about rust for those searching, etc.
PS, I just looked at mine (brand new Prius, only a few weeks old) and do have a bit of orange rust on that piece. It's probably normal. The other piece is also sort of crinkly and that is probably also normal.
Not orange peel its casting slag. All cars have it. Its not a Lamborghini. If that minor rust bothers you never look under the front end. And the spray mentioned is called CSP. Corrosion Stop Protector. Its the best product ever. Once a year the underside of my cars get it especially the front end. It prevents rust and eliminates front end squeaks, rattles, & groans. Anything that moves gets it. All the door hinges and locks etc. Found only at Home Depot. This stuff: Search Results for csp spray at The Home Depot
The inability to write a descriptive title? Yes, that is common to many PriusChatters. Your picture two is just rough aluminum
This is why cars like Audi have a large number of trim panels in the engine compartment creating a styled appearance and obstructing the view of the engine. They assume correctly that customers make purchase decisions based on cosmetic appearance of the machinery.