+1 Can't wait to read an indepth analysis of how it was accomplished... dogged persistence, quick learning and equipment tweaks? An excellent example of the American tradition of "Don't give up the ship!" Our Dads and Grandads knew it well, and when caaled upon, stood four-square behind it: Props to all who have or are now serving in uniform. Deepest thanks.
I'm not wild about the new hulls, but it was one GREAT come from behind win!!! Kudos to the Kiwis for making us earn it!!! Bravo-Zulu to team USA!!
While I personally think the new boats are not in the same class as the ones in the past... I think what they have done with this race is absolutely FANtastic... it makes for more of us to want to watch... Congrats to Team Oracle USA... a great come-from-behind win.
Larry Ellison was on the calendar as a specific Key Note speaker at Open World an Oracle event in SF that attracted 60,000 guests. It seems Larry changed his mind to watch one of the races. The VP of product development took his place . Many people walked out expecting the CEO.
As demonstrated by the AC series, hydrofoil racing is pure excitement, and sure to grab the interest of many for whom traditional sailboat racing is more (or is it less ;-) than ho-hum... it's terminally boring. Well, it turns out you don't have to be an America's Cup contestant to experience hydrofoil sailing/racing first hand. Check this out, cost used ~$4kUS, all up hull/rig weight of <70 lbs! More: Google Moth Hydrofoil Sailboats
Hi Guys, Yes congratulations to Team USA it was a great series. Team USA showed the best of the American Capitalist system The team was ..... Funded by an American Billionaire Built in New Zealand (Kiwi land) The team was Managed by a Kiwi (Russel Coutts) Skippered by an Aussie Strategist was a Brit However there was one American on the board This IS a great example of American Talent, as America has a long history of attracting the worlds best to their shores to do great work, from Alexander graeme Bell, to Einstein, to now Elon Musk So Congrats again it was an outstanding series