I posted this in the "Final Note to Danny..." thread, and I'll put it here in a sticky so that everyone sees it: "Ok, this bickering is over. I'm going to move that thread back into public view and you all can take whatever stance you want on what was said. As usual, I agree with Evan on this one that something was said and then it snowballed straight into a horrible thread. All of this "FHOP is great" "No FHOP needs to be removed" discussion needs to end. I'm putting FHOP into the 24-hour time out corner. Tomorrow I'm going to open it back up, and MS is going to be here, I'm going to be here, and anyone else who wants to be here is going to be. But understand this: FHOP isn't going anywhere. Open discussion about ideas however dissimilar they are to yours are what make a community. Don't want a community? Fine - go back to the Yahoo Groups. I opened this site because sure, I wanted it to be a great source for Prius knowledge, but ask anyone around at that time and they'll tell you that my #1 reason for creating this site was in order to form a community. Free-flowing ideas no matter how heinous they might seem to you are going to be a part of this site. I chose it to be that way - now choose whether you want to be a part of that or not. I'll give you all 24 hours to think it over." Don't PM or email me to tell me your side about it. I don't care. Tomorrow night I'm going to re-open FHOP and we're all going to come back in with a good attitude. Make an OT post in another forum and there will be hell to pay. It's tough to make me mad, but I am today.
First time I've ever been put in "time out." :mellow: No, I didn't like it. No, I don't want to do it again. But what did I do wrong? :huh: Just kidding
heck, i'm still not sure if i was involved in the whole reason for closing fhop or not! i guess not since i haven't been yelled at by any mods. but this whole recent sequence of events makes me feel like i've done something wrong. no punishment required though... i prefer to get away with it! :lol:
One day we'll all get together, have a beer, mixed drink, grande moche, green tea, or bottled water and do one bug group hug.
The Bush administration is sponsoring legislation that would outlaw group hugs among all species of God's creatures... (...as the ones that are "Godly" become identified...) ...your species of bug may be exempt, mine, alas, may not. JK Under(arm)secretary, Tumescent Typo Taunters, Local 69
Seems like you could also use a T-shirt http://www.cafepress.com/buy/Funny/t-shirt..._/fpt_/c_/hlv_t or a coffee cup http://www.cafepress.com/buy/Funny/t-shirt..._/fpt_/c_/hlv_t or a different T-shirt http://www.cafepress.com/buy/Funny/t-shirt..._/fpt_/c_/hlv_t
LOL! But I'm a good naughty girl. The shirts and cups are cool... not sure about the thongs. I wonder what my boss would say if I showed up to work with a I love spankings coffee mug?! Ew... maybe I shouldn't think about that.
[Broken External Image]:http://storetn.cafepress.com/7/29802777_F_store.jpg Oh Yeah. That's the stone cold truth.
I plead of you guys, never do that again! I mean, you've all had time outs before, but 24 hours?? Between that and all of your talk, it's a wonder I'm not crazy!