I wouldn't say dangerously low on fumes... that's still .29 based solely on spec. Which at 50 MPGs (using this number since he didn't post his) is another 14.5 miles. My guess is that he filled past the 9.5 but hadn't used it all, as you suggested.
Not sure how to enter data into spreadsheet. Photo shows Trip B at the second fill-up of my 2013 Prius C 2. Odometer 1113 miles - 525.4 miles since reset, (actual 528.4 miles since first fill-up) with indicated 65.8 mpg. Car took 8.293 gallons (clicked off three times) for actual 63.79 mpg. Tire pressures as set by dealer when car purchased in July. Driven mostly for 11 mile (one-way) suburban commute to work at speeds under 35 mph. One 150 mile trip on this tank over rural and hilly roads in northwest Connecticut with speeds up to 50 mph. Always operate in ECO mode and try to keep the engine off (EV light on) as much as possible. First fill-up was 541.0 miles since reset, indicated 66.8 mpg, 8.505 gallons, 63.73 mpg actual. A great car. Also own a 2011 Gen3.
Nope, I never topped off the tank, always stop when it clicks off (I also put gas in slow flow). I also increased the mileage by driving SLOWER. I average around 450 miles per tank while doing 65MPH on cruise. Now I'm doing 55 to 57 and gentle starts from stop signs/stop lights.
I may have sounded a bit harsher than I meant, just wanted to point out that your fill ups are on the high side, regularly going past the 8.5 gallons used and 0 miles left mark...which is the reason you passed 500 miles with MPG in the 50s. At >60 mpg 500 miles can be done before reaching the calculated 0 miles left mark. Other notes: Freeway mileage is kinda rough to get the higher mileage with, while 60 or even 70+ is easy with city mileage I can't get my freeway mileage out of the 50s. Fortunately for me I drive mostly city, just been losing a lot of MPG the last couple of months running the AC. Temps are starting to go down, but they aren't too low yet. I might need to test my next tank if the weather stays in the 'not too hot to need the AC and not too cold to cause excess warm up cycles' range.
I've updated the spreadsheet.. But, you didn't give an average speed, so I entered your average speed based off of the average of everyone else in the spreadsheet.
Yes I concur. I've got a message in to Bob to see what his thoughts are on this. He's in control, I'm just trying to help. Earlier in this thread he does something similar which is why I opted to do so. Once I hear back I'll make the changes needed (if any).
I wouldn't be surprised if Bob rejected the data completely because there is no evidence (other than the poster's integrity) that this mileage was completed on a single tankful and is not part of two tankfuls. Without a photograph of a screen showing remaining range as well as consumption over a distance greater than 500 miles it is not certain that the distance covered was on a single tankful which caused him to reject my submission further up this thread. He places great importance on the distance being covered on a single tankful, I don't think it matters at all but whatever.
I think you bring a valid point. I'll be glad to follow new directions when they're provided.. As I'm not the one running that show I can't really say either way.
Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not trying to get the rules changed. I think this is a useful and interesting thread, up to a point. I think there is also room for another thread which deals with real life results which are not necessarily achieved on just a single tankful. To me, what people can achieve over say, 1000 or 2000 or 2683 miles, is much more interesting because it's less likely to be what someone has managed to achieve for the purpose of "the competition" and more likely to be representative of what is possible in "normal" daily use. If you choose to fill up 11 times over the course of your submission then so be it, that fact does not alter the fuel consumption that you achieve.
Faixknight, That's OK. I work for the USPS as mailman around Sacramento. During my exactly 30 mile one way commute, I have 12% city driving and 88% highway. I'm fully aware that this car is designed for city-use, hence "C" monker. Lately for the last month, I normally start slowly for a mile or 2 before hitting the freeway. I drive 57MPH all the way on the freeway. I always come home or arrive work with 53 to 64 MPG but mostly around 54ish (depending on weather, winds, temp, etc...) I NEVER use AC during morning commute but always use AC on my way home during warm/hot days. On my last "Personal best record" which for the first time I broke 500 mile, I got gas at 502.6. The last blinking bar started to blink at around 470ish. Whether or not breaking 500 always comes with risk but it's a personal pride that I could do this amid my normal commute which surprised me! Come winter, I'm certain I wouldn't try 500 mile unless we have a very warm winter! Have a great evening! Mikey the Mailman
My 525.4 miles were completed on one tankful between 08/27/13 and 09/22/13. The photo I submitted shows the fuel gauge at 1 pip - so the remaining range was on the order of 50 miles. The trips to and from work were 11.1 miles and took between 32 and 36 minutes - between 18 and 21 mph.
9 gallons filled at 500 miles equates out to be 55.6 MPGs. That's easily done for most of us. Shoot, I'm almost averaging that for the life of my car. My mileage average is over 500 miles per tank.
Here's my entry- 500.7 miles of commuting on the NYS Thruway and Rt.17. 60-62mph with cruise on, I do click it off for downhills so I can stealth with my foot, the CC does not seem to know how to do this. Lots of my version of pulse and glide on 2-lane backroads, and a 5 mile round trip every day into town, mainly trying to maximize EV mode. I do have the one upper grill slat blocked with foam pipe wrap, and run 42-44 psi. No ridge riding, no drafting. Pics taken this morning at the Getty station on Middletown road, Nanuet NY on my way in to work. 61.83mpg I love this car...
Aw! This morning I got gas after 506.0 miles, took few photos for proof. Then realized I forgot to snap a photo showing average MPH screen for Trip A (this tank), as soon as I get to that screen...BAM! It reset! ARGGGHHH!!! Regardless the fact my info will not make it to the Top Prius C without these proof...I can always try again next time -506.0 miles -Average speed 35MPH (based immediately on 472.1 miles as soon as last bar started to blink so I had 34 miles after that). -34 miles after the last bar began to blink <---This 34 miles is mostly local roads which helps with more electric mode thou' -Driving time: 13 Hours, 37 Minutes (Again, based at 472.1 miles) -15% EV mode / 69.4 miles (based at 472.1 miles) -Average MPG for this gas tank (506.0 miles) is 58.3 MPG as shown on screen, 56.0 MPG as shown on Fuelly. Filled up tank today shows 9.069 gallons and yes it's barely too close for comfort by running out of gas although I wouldn't recommend that for the faint heart. Lucky for me the route I normally take has gas stations close by I did notice the last few days on my way home from work that on this tank where I decided to drive on local streets 12.8 miles instead of on the freeway giving me nearly 50% highway/50% local that my mpg did boost a lot so I will try that for this tank just for fun and yes I do have some extra time Wish me luck for the new tank this time! Have a great day!
scout24, I've put you on. Congrats on 11th place! Mikey, if you upload the pics you've got, I can put you on the list. Bob has told me the average speed isn't a big deal, and instructed how he wants it handled. If you've got em, post em up.
500 miles is no problem if you are going to be in the top 20. I filled up the first time after buying the car 503 miles it took 8.4 i think. any way it came out to 61.?, the computer said 62.? I am over 480 miles on this tank with an indicated mpg just under 61. I had to make a 100 mile trip up I5 and that gave me only 52 mpg according to the computer. I will see in a couple of days what the mpg is. I want over 500 for every tank!
I forgot to mention tires are at 44 psi. and driving around town. with stop lights and speed zones are usually 25-40 mph. my wife drove one day 50 miles on interstate 65 mph. she usually goes a little faster than posted speed