I went naked today. Pulled the rings and set them on a hook in the garage. Even if it does change the mileage, it feels ... so liberating.
I just used a big screwdriver between the ring and the wheel rim. Once they are started, they're a piece of cake to remove. Super easy, try it. They're even easier to put back on.
Even easier that that! Hook a couple of fingers around an inside edge and just yank off. REALLY easy. And you just snap them back on if you want them.... but you won't. I actually hear that mileage improves by 2% without them!
That's all I needed to hear. My plastic rings are coming off tomorrow. Can I use your 10% test results when I put them on ebay? :blink:
mmm... do you think taking the rings makes the wheels look larger? (which i think is a good thing) i'd imagine that the larger holes would give the impression of a larger wheel. i'd probably take mine off if that were the case... cause someone thought i had 14" wheels and small wheels make the prius look more like a minivan
yank them off one side, stand back and look at it. Walk around other side and look at it, do it two more times. Which side do you prefer?
Oops! That's what I meant. It just sort of came out that way automatically... Hmmm... I wonder what that implies...
You can either recycle them or put them in a closet for 5-10 years and auction them on Ebay. I have some Buick Grand National parts that are from 1987. I am in the process of getting them ready for an auction. There will always be a use or person for any unwanted item. Think about the person who paid $32,000 for a sandwich on Ebay. What does that tell you?
That there are lunatics in this world who's vote counts just as much as mine (well, likely more since I'm in CA).
Hey, I've got something that makes a tornado in my air flow & makes me get hundreds of miles to the gallon!
I think the plastic rings were developed to protect the metel from getting beat up from parking curbs. I have left them on our car because of the way my wife parks..is that a sexist remark? OK, I have hit the curb maybe once.. ; )
[attachmentid=2255] If you saw the nasty scummy dirt that was under the trim rings you might want to reconsider leaving them on. The mag wheels must cost mega bucks from Toyota. You could get some curb feelers from JC Whitney! The last thing I want to see happen is for the wheels to get corroded. I use chrome polish on my Harley chrome parts and I will use it on the Prius rims. Click on the right picture to see the mags after cleaning without the rings.