Adjusting the brakes too tight is a possibility too. You might jack it up and make sure each wheel will spin freely.
Since you're name is Buck Rogers I'm thinking you'll want to get something that when you park it in a cave and wake up a few hundred years later, then get the newest one and put it on jack stands. the tires will probably be bad. Maybe put vasoline or something to preserve all the rubber components =) On a side note, I bought an 05 with 193k miles. I've put 20k more and it runs perfect. Interior is like new. I just got home and I'm averaging 47.5 mpg. I seem to get better freeway miles versus what everything says. Even my friend gets better freeway mileage.
Amazing, ain't it? My 05 has 205K miles with the original HV battery. No sign of weakness yet (but you can never be certain when the reaper's coming for you when you're old either).
just got a 2nd gen prius with 100k miles on it, I hope for long life just like my Subie before it (that one had 230k and still going strong).
Congrats on your purchase and welcome to Prius Chat. At 100 K you should be aware that service (maintenance) is required. Spark Plug Change, Coolant Change on both loops (ICE and Inverter). Check the belt that drives the water pump. If it shows cracking you should change it. I think that pretty much covers the 100 K stuff, but I might have missed something. The plugs and coolant is important. Check out the info in my signature. Lots of links there that will help you to understand your Prius better plus get the best mileage you can for the buck you spend at the pump. You can also register your Prius here: Toyota Owners Official Web Site: Service Coupons, Owner's Manuals, Service Scheduling And More Once you have done that you can get service records from the dealers who have worked on the car in the past, as well as figure out what needs to be done when as far as maintenance is concerned. The Prius is low maintenance. So it is a win win all the way around. Best of luck to you. And again welcome to PC.
2005, they got some of the bugs worked out over 2004, I never liked the first generation Prius..Id love to see a Prius minivan...
I bought an 05 with 75k miles on it a month ago and it runs amazingly well. I'm hoping to get plenty more life out of the battery. Everything pointing to it being the best decision I've made in a long time.
I just traded my 2003 with 150000km on a new C, and I honestly can say I did not notice any deterioration in performance. It was routinely returning in the low 4s. km/L, and I live at the top of a hill so had to waste some warm-up fuel on the downhill. In some respects the car was better than the new one, more luxurious with a touch of Lexus about it. It even had a switch for brightening the panel illumination when running headlights on in daylight. Now you have to distract yourself running through layers of menu. But I would check where the old Prius spent most of its life!
The Gen 1's are amazing aren't they (at least to me). It's obvious that Toyota got this hybrid thing right the first time. There are really very few improvements in the system from Gen 1 to Gen 3.