When we are running the AC sometimes there is a loud ticking sound coming from behind the glove box. It does not matter what the temperature is set at, but is more likely to do it at stoplights. The sound is not constant in tempo or volume. Any ideas where to look? I would take it to Toyota but I am sure it will not make the noise when there is a mechanic within 20 yards.
sounds like something fell into the blower fan... open the glove box and you will see two tabs on either side, press them in together and the glove box will drop down, theres a trap door behind the glove box that has the cabin filter..pull it out and clean or replace it..try to keep it level to avoid dropping more stuff into the fan, then try to feel inside the fan for debrie..CAR TURNED OFF OF COURSE...good luck
Your post infers you have never changed the cabin filter You did not post your locale (why people refuse to do that is beyond me) but sometimes if you live in a heavily wooded area and park outside mice are attracted to a Prius as they find the wiring quite delicious so don't be surprised to find mice detritus and or signs of nesting. They can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Many posts on this forum about this issue.
OK, 1. I guess I was not clear in the description of the sound, it sounds more like a relay (a large one) switching on and off. Sometimes rapidly. If I can get a recording I will attach the file. This does not sound like something in a fan. 2. how did I imply that the filter has never been changed? It has frequently. 3. Sorry I missed the location line in the set up 6 years ago.
I would look behind the glove box which is why I assumed you have never changed the filter as it takes literally 10 seconds to do that. Take the filter out and listen to the motor through the filter hole. What package car do you own? There's alot of ECU's on the pass side in the dash: Gateway ECU Hybrid Vehicle ECU Engine Control Module Transmission ECU Headlight beam Level Control ECU
Package 3 I am adding that also. but I am not sure. I have had the glovebox out and in the backseat and the filter out as well as the vent cover on that side when this is happening. I was still unable to identify a specific location for it. The ECU direction sounds more like what I am hearing. I just need to figure out which one it is.
Hmmmm....tricky. Have you listened under the hood with ac on. Maybe the compressor is making that noise as its on the pass side of the car.
Have you tried listening for the noise when your A/C and fans are off? If not, it could be the blower motor... That's down there, too. So, with fans and A/C off, if the noise goes away, 10 to 1 it's the blower motor.
I could be, are there relays in the blower that would trip while it is running? I have not heard it be loud for a while but the lite sounds it is making remind me of an old school flasher relay. I attached a sound file of the clicking but the volume is nowhere near the level that I am asking about. And yes the AC is on at the time that is the whooshing sound, oops this will not let me load a .wav file so I had to zip it. I will keep trying to get a real recording.
I believe there is a relay, but I do not know its location. However, you can now rule out the expensive ECU's as the source and move on to the actual problem. There have been multiple posts about blower motor failures and intermittent failures like I experienced. None of the users reported a bad relay, including myself. I believe you can find them on-line for as little as $120.00. I had mine installed at a body shop while they were fixing a small dent in my bumper for $180.00. That was about $200 less than I was quoted from Toyota. I listened to the file and IMHO, it sounds like the blower motor...
It could well be it has not been happening nearly as much or as loud since the temperature has started cooling down. Next time I will try messing with the fan controls to see if that effects it.