Hey all. After reading an enormous amount of posts about the EV Button, it seems there are only two ways to obtain the EV mode: 1. Purchasing the Japanese OEM button through "Sigma Automotive." Though they currently don't have the 2006 button and equipment as of this post (but will soon). This method actually gives you a swtich installed left of the steering wheel. 2. Coastal Electronic Technologies website which uses the cruise control cancel feature to turn it off and on. Can someone who actually knows verify this above info. Or, perhaps there's another method. Thanks in advance, Steve
you can also pick up an oem button from ebay if any are circulating yet- though personally i think it's best to support PC affiliates such as sigma if you can't get it at your local dealer. there's also the "unforced" EV mode- takes a bit of practice but you can keep it in EV on your own at low speed when the engine is warm. otherwise, yes. you're right.
If you go to http://priuschat.com/KB-EV-Button-Installa...ons-t16040.html there's some more instructions on a "do-it-yourself" method. Some have used the flasher part of the headlight switch. I've just ordered Coastal's myself.
There are several other options, actually. You can use the high-beam switch for a zero-cost mod. You can supply your own momentary push button for a couple of dollars, or you can leave a bare wire hanging out of the ECU and just touch it to a grounded screw. The bottom line is that you just need to ground the one pin to enter EV mode. HOW you ground it is entirely up to you.
darelldd is entirely correct. EV mode is obtained by grounding Pin 27 in the HV ECU...any creative way you can think of will work to access it. One of the ways I thought of but had no idea how to implement was to use the homelink button on the rear-view mirror to activate a remote control that creates the temporary ground! I did see a post once a long while back that someone else did figure out how.
Galaxee and others, What's special about the 2006 that makes the 2005-04 button obsolete? And how willing are most dealers to order and install here in the U.S.. . .anyone know. Is that a general "no-no" that dealers won;t do it? Thaks again, Stevehj
all right, i've been corrected, i should have said the 2 commercially available and/or pre-manufactured mods are the coastal and oem switches. Steve, the button size is different between the 05 and 06. the button for the 05 is too big for the 06. as far as dealers ordering... the button is a JDM part... don't know if they can get their hands on them. most won't install them- but there are a couple techs out there that will if they know or care about the EV mod. many have no idea about it.
Mark that down, folks. Doesn't happen all that often! The 2006 button will be available shortly via Sigma... we're still trying to track down the connector for the back of the switch. All the factory switch does for us is look cool. It just grounds the same pin, but does it with style. It really would be great to figure out a way to use an otherwise unused, handy button to perform this task. For my needs, the high-beam mod works great for me. I only use EV mode for shuffling the car around my driveway - not for any real driving - so I have no worries of flashing anybody. BUT... as soon as we can get the whole factory switch package together for the 2006, I'll switch (ha-ha) to that. Super easy exchange once you have the hard part done. Most dealerships won't do this mod, and Toyota officially tries to scare everybody off by implying they'll (illegally!) void your warranty just by doing it.
But, you still have to take part of the dash off to do this mod, correct? Which, in other vehicles in my experience can lend itself to future rattle sounds. As you say, the switch is not the thing, but I understand the pin connector is under the glove box (or near it or something). I got that right? I think this is something everybody can learn from.
i believe this statement is what you're referring to: from the Prius FAQ link at http://www.toyota.com/html/hybridsynergyvi.../fall/mpgs.html 25. Does Toyota support the modification of my Prius to be a plug-in Hybrid and run on electric mode only with a switch? Any such alterations, modifications or tampering with the vehicle voids the warranty and is likely to be counterproductive for air quality and Prius’ durability and safety. this is the only context i've seen this in... and in this case they are referring to the plug-in feature. i haven't heard anything referring to the EV switch only. DH has talked to regional reps about this, since we have one installed, and they haven't had a problem with it. most, if not all claims will not be denied because of the button.
You have to take a couple panels off for any of the mods to access the HV ECU, the Coastal mod probably requires the least dismantling. None require major dismantling. Yes, the HV ECU sits below and to the right of the glove box on LHD Prii.
Yes, you need to pull a fiew pieces off, but the way the snap in means that you are not altering anything that could cause a rattle. Nothing is permanently chaged by pulling the pieces off. The pin you are after is behind the glove box, yes. And that's the major disassembly that is reaquired no matter which way you to. The high beam mod and the Coastal solution require the steering shroud to be removed. The stock (or aftermarket) button approach just requires the blanking plate to be popped out. Once you know the tricks, NONE of this is difficult, and it all goes back together exactly as it was before you started.
darelldd, The Coastal mod does not require any disassembly other than removal of the right hand vent cover and the glove compartment. Coastal includes all the taps and pins already wired onto the little circuit board. It's probably the easiest mod to do if you're a dashboard-dissassemble-phobe.
Oops! Faulty memory! I'll have to take a look again. I thought for sure it went by the steering wheel. My bad. Still, the stuff on the right is the more difficult operation than removing the steering shroud, IMO. If you're OK with taking the glove box out and the right trim off, the steering wheel is a piece of cake. But You guys are right - the Coastal is likely the easiest... but certainly not the cheapest!