Pri arent exactly very common in my area, so every time I see somebody driving in one, I give a friendly "beep beep" and wave. My friends and family think I'm nuts when they drive with me (I may very well be; thats debatable) but does anybody else do this? To my surprise, sometimes the other driver waves and beeps back, lol.
I have done this! Imagine if every car was built with the Prius technology and getting great MPG. It may be a friendlier world. As to the beep beep, I'm starting to think I would like a deeper more robust horn to better represent the hulking gas mileage and technology.
Why wave just at other Prius drivers? Wouldn't it be a friendlier world if we waved at each other without a manufacturer bias? I've found that Prius Drivers aren't the 'wave at each other' type. I ride motorcycles and I always wave at other cyclists, be they on a moped or a custom 'wanna-be' chopper. Whether I'm on my Harley or my Kawasaki.....I always get a return wave. Same thing in the boating community. Bass boats exchange waves with Baja custom tri-motors. Different community. Different rules I guess.
No. For safety reasons, my eyes are on the road, not on the hand of the person inside the oncoming car, especially at higher speeds. I wouldn't see them wave, or when I do, I am often unsure as to who the wave was for, or if it was a wave or some other hand gesture. Likewise, I wouldn't want to send other drivers mixed or unclear messages. If someone beeps their horn at me it scares the ---- out of me and I get red-in-the-face annoyed, plus I assume that I was doing something wrong on the road, so I get extremely defensive. So, I also would not want to beep at other drivers for non-dangerous acts of their own doing. Again it sends unclear messages If I want to acknowledge other Prius drivers, I would pull over and start a conversation.
Back when they were new, I'm sure I shared a few waves. But now, Prius are everywhere, and I'd get a sore arm.
Technically, that non-emergency 'beep beep' is illegal here. And the Prius population here is so high that it would be a serious increment to the noise pollution.
Corvette drivers wave when I drive my corvette, but I've never seen, nor do I expect a Prius driver to wave.
Every once in a blue moon I'll give another Prius driver a thumbs up, but there's usually no response other than a curious look. As a matter of fact, the only couple of responses I received were in traffic jams.
I can't because around here it's like every other car. If I beep and waved to them all, I'd be committed as insane. I was in Berkeley the other day and including me at the intersection, I noticed there were 4 other Priuses next to and behind me.