yeah really... it's to the point where i just say "oh look. another blade." and you can see those commercials coming a MILE away. they're all the same!
Retired some yrs ago. DairyAir (Air Wizz) is down to 2 146's - flying into/out of Aspen, CO this ski season. Then they're gone! Was ground instructor for the 146 for 15 yrs. Entire fleet of 75+ planes is/will be Canadair Regional Jets.
Shame, aye! 146/RJ was (is) the only 80-100 pax jet able to handle 7001' of RWY with a 2% D/H gradient at 8000 ft AGL. But having a single "type" fleet is efficient ($ wise), hence the CRJ's. Your knowledge of 146 & AirWiz indicates....what? Corporate, Commuter, Regional, or Major airline ops? Curious, am I!
Former Laker (LakesAir, you have 120 knots on the BAC jet ahead, contact the tower). Not having a stabilized approach profile requirement made for some interesting arrivals. Best fun was, of course, Telluride. 9,078 ft. MSL with 1.9% + gradient at each end. Only airport I've been into where one guy on the yoke, and one on the throttles was not uncommon! The passengers really loved to hear that GPWS screaming on downwind and base, too, especially when the view out the windshield from in back was nothing but rock! Good times.
Getting back to OT, I find it amusing how the very definition of "liberal" and "conservative" has changed, especially since the neocon's took over. My parents were and are "traditional" conservatives, and I think to certain extents so am I. What they/I believe in: 1. Small government that takes care of things the private sector can't or won't 2. No public debt 3. Butt out of the lives of individuals 4. Look after your own, don't beccome involved in foreign affairs 5. Keep a careful eye on government and business I guess if I had to assign a label to myself, I would have to chose "libertarian." I refuse to accept or believe the drivel spewed out by the DNC and the Republicans, it has become so confusing I can't keep track of it anyway. One hot topic for me is Capital Punishment. I believe that if somebody breaks into your home, you should have the right to cap them. Like in Utah. I'm leery of Capital Punishment as we have seen how corrupt and incompetent the judicial and law enforcement system truly is, especially if you aren't white and wealthy. Surprisingly, I find a lot of folks out there who believe in the same things I do: 1. Get rid of the bloated, overbearing government, especially the mindless ranks of robots, I mean "civil servants." 2. Bring sanity to our tax laws and quickly try to change the scary fact our debt is sucking the life out of us 3. Attach "strings" to corporate welfare and the military industrial complex, such as forcing them to hire and build factories only in America. 4. Completely ban the outrageous pork now snuck into H.R.'s, like the infamous Alaskan "bridge to nowhere." And so on. This right-winger I happen to agree with, at least in part: This site is also good:
The labels "Liberal" or "Conservative" are misleading. I remember taking a political placement quiz a couple years ago. Landed to the left of Hillary Clinton! Couldn't believe it. My first husband was a big believer in protecting your own home. He worked late nights so he bought a rifle with a clip that carried 7 (?) rounds in it, took me to a range and taught me to load and fire it. When asked how to aim, he said I should just point it from the hip and pull the trigger. Other spousal instructions 1) Once the decision is made to shoot at someone, empty the clip into them. 2) If the sucker is still breathing, call Bob, our 6ft 3, 220 lb., ex-mercenary neighbor over and heave the intruder over the balcony railing. We lived on the 6th floor. Toss a large knife over to keep him company. 3) Weep copiously and tell the cops the guy threatened rape and murder. If Bob needs to, he'll take the senior officer to the side and "explain things". Crazy stuff. No wonder we're divorced. After 9/11 I asked an ex-Marine friend and his wife to teach me how to load and fire a pistol. Just so if anyone puts one in my hand during an emergency and asks if I know how to use it, I can say yes. Used Judy's 22 (it had an eagle on it), fired at a target at 10 and 18 feet. Hit the target with all rounds. Jim said he liked my grouping. Then tried Jim's 46 Colt. What a kick! But got those six rounds on the target too. Jim and Judy said they were proud of me, I had talent and should continue training. I'd rather stick with archery. It's quieter.