I've noticed while washing my car and my wife's ( also a Prius) that when I get to the driver's side door and wipe it down or while drying it ( on same door), there is a sensor type beep that goes off. What is it and why? Thanks
Do you have the keys for the Prius with you when washing/drying? If so, when you touch the door handle, you are locking the car signified by a beep.
As ePrius said, the SKS detects -something- it thinks is your hand on the door handle. Even the water can trigger it. It will lock and unlock, though once locked it won't stay unlocked unless you actually -open- a door (if you unlock but don't open a door within 20 sec they will relock). If it bothers you leave the FOB 20-30 ft away, though I'm not sure this will prevent locking. It -will- prevent unlocking. You could also try turning off the SKS system (little button under the steering wheel). I haven't tried this but it -should- have some effect.
To the best of my knowledge, the keys were either in the car or possibly in the house. It's not a single beep, it's a series of beeps ( that terminates on it's own) and I don't detect any locking / unlocking of the doors when this occurs... little button under steering wheel? Hmmm - will have to check that out.
If the car is running and you open the door or leave the car it beeps. You may have forgot to shut the engine off
If the keys were in the car (bad move dude!) it's possible the car was warning you it won't lock the car with them in there. I suspect you were triggering the lock/unlock function. The only variable is why the car responded the way it did. NEVER leave the keys in the car when washing it. Any car. It's too easy to lock it with all that messing around. And yes, if you leave the car in "ready" without the FOB in the car the car will beep three times outside each time you close any door. It's possible the SKS system was triggering this.
Interesting...the car was not on, nor was the engine running. Has / does this not happen to anyone else? Everyone washes their car - no? I'll need to try this again, leaving the keys in the house. I have walked away from the car forgetting to turn it off, I close the door than there is a series of beeps occurs; my wife reminds me what it is I just did..
The owner's manual details most of this. Water on the handle is sensed as a hand. Leave the key away from the car and it won't beep. (or lock)
I a few times left the car running and left the car with the keys in my pocket. An hour later I return and as soon as I get near the car it starts chirping