I hate the reverse beeping on my Prius 4 since I have a long driveway. Talked to Service Dept. and they reprogramed it to only Beep Once when it is put into Reverse...... Way better!!!
MPG, have you ever thinking to disable the seatbelt beeps? I wanna disable that too.... it's annoys me when doing my projects. Wonder if Dealers will disable that too to a single beep.
In that case, I'm guessing dealers won't disable it for safety reasons, Thanks! Maybe gonna get a seatbelt insert plug to temporary disable.
WOW!! I've had mine for two days now and I have found that annoying... I'll be back at the dealer today to get that changed..
I was so happy when mine was turned to a single beep... Why Toyota does that is beyond me... I mean as drivers we know the car is in reverse. I could see if the people on the outside of the car could hear it or if it acted as rear warning system which beeped as you were approaching an object but the Dump Truck beep, Toyota has lost their mind.
If so, it comes from dealing with bureaucrats, who objected that owners would not know that they were in reverse as there would be no engine noise as they backed up. (Reverse in a Prius is always just M/G2) Toyota's compromise was to alert you that you were in R.
I had both the seatbelt and reverse modified to a single beep as part of the dealer prep. Not a problem.
Did it myself using a OBD2 reader with Bluetooth to my phone App. Reader =$10.99 at Amazon, Torque Pro App = $4.99 Google Play store. Not to tough or expensive and it can be used on almost any modern vehicle.
certainly makes no sense.. beeping inside the car? if the driver doesn't know if they are going backwards.. run!
After test driving a Prius and reading about it here I had the back up beep reduced to one beep during dealer prep. Would have driven my hubby crazy.
I wish I had read this before buying my Prius. Maybe I'll go back and try to talk the sales department into doing something, but when I took my car in for the 5000 service I asked the service department if they could do this. They said they would have to charge me a hour of labor and that it would be nearly $100. I took a pass...
While there are cheaper methods*, if you bought a Scangauge II and programmed the single beep for yourself, you would have 4 more gauges and a ODBII code reader and not spent twice the $100. (think of it as a 50% off sale) PriusChat Shop : ScanGauge II Scan Tool + Digital Gauges + Trip Computers [ScanGaugeII] - $159.95 * If you own an Android device with Bluetooth already, you can get software and a Bluetooth ODBII reader for under $40 (Start looking for a better service department)
True, but then they should have simply equipped all Prii with Rear Back Up Sensors or Parking Aides... That would probably appease owner a lot more, or make it a customizable option without having to go to the dealer... But sadly, more and more tech makes more and more drivers lazy in terms of operating an automobile.
I agree with the comment "Start looking for a better service department" Contact the salesperson who sold you the car and let them know you are unhappy with being charged with something so simple to undo. An email to the GM with the same info and a reminder that you can take your business elsewhere will likely get their attention. Do you have another dealership in your area to take it to?
My local dealer tried pulling that stunt, I not take it to another dealer, but I contacted Toyota Customer Care and told them what had happened, they asked what dealer I planned on taking it to next and that was that.. when I arrived it was deactivated no charge.