Hi all, I am a long time PC viewer, first time poster. I just upgraded my head unit two days ago, all work are completed on my own, and it was fun and rewarding experience. So the setup is a backup camera + head unit installation, easy enough for starter to work on, including myself as well since I am a starter on this area. There are couple of sticky post on the subject already and they are good reference for the kind of work. I am writing this post mainly to compare the two app-connected CD/DVD receiver, so if anyone out there is interested to install one, can have a better idea on these units. Picking the head unit: Initially I was thinking to get the Rosen unit, but I would like to have apps or better smartphone integration. I spent about 2-3 week looking up pros and cons about all other options, very soon I was looking at new breed of head units, there is no official name for those yet, but they are regular dvd/CD receiver + screen for smartphone, no built in Navigation. I was looking at around 300-400 pricepoint, that came down to between Pioneer AppRadio 3 and JVC KD-NSX1. NSX1 is a crutchfield exclusive model, so I can not compare price anywhere in the internet, but they are selling that for 299 at crutchfield, it seems NSX1 has better review than AppRadio 3. I end up ordering that for my first installation. The wiring harness and double din kit for Prius is free with head unit purchase, so I think I saved around 30 bucks by ordering them from Crutchfield. I eventually exchange the NSX1 to a AppRadio3(with DVD/CD unit), they had it on sale for 399. I think the promotion had ended. I got my camera from amazon, I don’t really care about brands, I just picked something cheap since I don’t really see the different between expensive ones and cheap ones. Unit comparison: First, forget about mirrorlink. It’s just a marking phrase, the technology simply does not work. So don’t bother to look it up, try to find a compatible phone or head unit online, I spent 3 days on that, do not bother to listen to anyone talk about the technology, it just not something worth throw money at. If you don’t believe me, at least believe the feedback for the Samsung applink app from google play store. It’s not samsung’s fault actually, just the technology is so immature to use at the moment. My wife uses Sony Xperia Z handset, while it’s officially support mirrorlink by Sony definition, it means it only support sony head unit, no other brand’s head unit will work with the phone. NSX1: For JVC NSX1, or any appMode JVC unit, if you have a iphone 4S, you should be able to enjoy the app integration that JVC offer. The way AppMode works is to take the RCA A/V signal from iphone and do a screen mirroring with iPhone4, and communicate screen control via USB. That’s why you need an A/V cable for iphone 4 to be able to use the feature. The biggest drawback for the implementation is it rely on A/V input, which rule out all android handset and iphone5+ since they don’t have A/V signal output. I was not able to test the appMode with my iphone 4 because it’s too slow to drive the appmode supported apps, only useable app was waze, and it freeze like hell. I did not feel like to pay for an app to just test them out so I did not try any paid apps. So, only two handset actually work with the JVC NSX1, the Samsung Galaxy III and iPhone 4S…. do not expect other handset will work on this unit, just don’t. Pros: Detachable face plate (some may consider it’s not a pro). It plays music from USB drive Album art is supported for regular mp3 files Low cost/no cost for cables if you have a supported device (mirror link adapter is included, and for iphone 4/4s, you can get the A/V cable from amazon for like 6 bucks). Good price even you don’t count the app integration. Cons: I don’t hear much sound improvement out of the unit compare to factory unit (maybe the factory speaker is too crappy to sound any difference). Limited device support. User interface is a bit difficult to use. While detachable face plate is good, it kind of feel bulky. Overall, for the price, if your expectation is a solid CD/DVD receiver, it delivered. But if you expect the app integration, you are going to be disappointed if you don’t own the supported handset. AppRadio 3: Compare to NSX1, AppRadio3 is actually a more refined product, it cost more, for a good reason. AppRadio use HDMI as A/V input, so that’s pretty much compatible with majority high end android phone and iphone 5+. The good is, you can use Apps on your in dash screen as you would use it on a smartphone. When everything is setup and connected, it works like magic. It looks very cool and futuristic. The potential is endless, and as time goes on, you should expect more and more out of your head unit with minimal cost. That’s what traditional unit can not do. Forget about paying $$$ for Navigation and POI update, you have it right away with your phone for free/very low cost. Social sharing/nav app like Waze can make driving a more joyful experience, even when you are in traffic. The best part of any app receiver is, head unit feature deployment only need to happen to app on the phone, you don’t need to change head unit for better feature. Now, the catch. More feature means more complication. AppRadio use Bluetooth for screen control communication with handset, which is a bit not as reliable as one would desire. My take on that is, they should had use USB for more robust screen communication. AppRadio mode works only if you have Bluetooth and HDMI connect properly. For any reason if your Bluetooth doesn’t work during driving, you are risking your life to fix that issue on the fly. And I mean it. So what’s different between mirrorlink and android AppMode? Mirrorlink only works on mirrorlink approved app, for most phone manufactory, that’s their own proprietary drive app, like samsung’s driveLink, and Sony’s Carmode app. In AppMode, it does not limit you to only use AppRadio app. While if you don’t use AppRadio app, you lose the capability to control your phone via head unit’s touch screen, but you still can see the screen mirror of your phone which make other navigation solution possible like using google maps. Pros: Clean and dummy proof user interfoace Good numbers of supported devices, and unsupported device does not mean you can not use them at all, as long as they have HDMI output capability, they will work with the unit in some way. Sounds great since it pre-set with “powerful” in equalizer, it does give you a initial feel of “better sound”. Tilted screen, so you can adjust the tilt angle, CD/DVD unit only feature. Includes a GPS receiver Cons: Screen is none-detachable. Relative expensive Cable/adapter cost is substantial (for android device, you can get a HML adapter from amazon for like 15 bucks. for iPhone, you must buy propitiatory cables/HDMI adapter. and HDMI cable itself can be costly, and it’s not included with the unit) Pioneer ship a HDMI cable supporter/protector…a plastic piece that only works with special kind of HDMI cable (the dongle is much shorter than normal HDMI cable), and only Pioneer sells those kind of HDMI cable I guess…. USB cable is short, you MUST buy a USB extension cable. Album art is only supported for ipod mode. Overall, it’s a solid unit if you can get it for 399. I think amazon is selling it for like 358, it cost much less than any nav unit, and smartphone nav is generally better than built in nav. It may be a bit difficult to set it up since you need to make sure both HDMI and Bluetooth work on your phone, sometime you need to reset your phone to get HDMI working again. But when it works, it will blow most people’s mind in term of in car feature. I don’t have any pic taken during installation, so please forgive me for a wall of text without any picture.
That's true, but I can get a steering wheel remote control interface and continue use the remote control, the problem is it cost 50 bucks, and I don't use remote control that often to justisfy the cost.