So Monday I'm going into work and saw one of the original, Honda Insights for sale on a local car lot. I have no idea about condition, price nor any personal interest. Just sharing the joy if someone out there needs a project. Bob Wilson
Around here in Northern Virginia they were very common. I still see about one every couple days. I like them a lot. You know they only have a capacity for 375lbs of people and luggage. My wife and I lost a total of 130lbs recently and so now we could actually both sit in one. Nexus 7 ? 4
Never judge on your own experiences There are quite a few for sale (comparative to the original low volumes) over here, though they do now demand a bit of a premium and are becoming collectable. Quite a few RHD grey imports from Japan arrived a few years ago. I'd love one as a second car.
I had one, grey in color, it was great little car, but i much prefer my C! I still see them on the road. The green color was ugly!
Linda still drives an 'original' Honda Insight in red. Not sure on how many miles it has but I don't remember her ever telling me she's had issues with it. I liked the way they looked both inside and out, and I don't usually like Honda's interior/exterior styling in general. I was hoping to drive hers one day before she decides to buy something new, just to say I drove one, lol.