Okay, I know there's not much to celebrate here because many, many other drivers out there can routinely get over 500 miles per tank, but it's my first in my Gen III Prius! I averaged just under 56 miles per gallon (actual) versus the 58.8 MPG on my trip computer. I think I would've gotten a little bit better if I didn't take any passengers... but that would've made me a bit of a social hermit crab... Just under 9.4 gallons and 525 miles. That's twice the distance at about the same cost to fill up my '02 Mazda Miata.
Funny you should mention that... the last bar started to beep right as I pulled up to the gas pump. Calculating how much I put in, I'm confident I could get it closer as there's still 2.5 "untapped" gallons left in my reserve tank! That's another 125 miles easy!
I did my first 500 mile tank yesterday. 505 miles. 9.78 gallons. Last pip was flashing for about 30 miles. i could have maybe done 600, but would have only had .1 gallons left. too close. Need to get another 3 mpg to even consider trying it. Actual tank mpg was only 51.6. I could have done 500 miles earlier, but just too impatient to wait that long. I usually fill at 2 pips. I do WAY too much highway and mountain driving, and way too little city driving to probably ever hit a 600 mile tank. i am thrilled to average 51.5-53.0 mpg doing as much mountain highway driving as I do.
I've noticed that I make up (usually) more MPG on the downhills than I use going up (the same hill). I just have to be real careful and sensitive on the throttle input on my way up... and then be very, very cognizant on my way down not to use any gas... just electricity. I should also mention that I'm typically (95% of the time) in the slow lane...