I'll have one please. (Just looked at electric mopeds Saturday for the wife's work-travels, but this would give her the choice to use the highway instead of just backroads. Plus it looks 50 times better...)
Ultimate driving maching . . . . I duno. Maybe it's just me . . . but the "ZERO" ev motorcycle makes BMW's offering look like a toy. I think the next rev will be better, no matter what it is. If I had my 'druthers, I know which one I'd snap up .... the ZERO. This is their racer ... not too much slicker than their street version. It's definately more than a scooter: 86 horse ... 176 foot pounds of torque. OH YEA .
ultimate driving machine is the car. This electric bmw is the scooter, but the ultimate plug-in from bmw look to the i8;-) Electric scooters, I've gone to happy hours with grad students, and they seem to be popular. These are less expensive than the bmw offering, but scooters can park easier on campus and down town. The electric ones are more expensive than the gas ones, but they are much more refined. Little scooter engines aren't that nice. I know 3 couples that have 1 scooter and 1 car. I'm not sure if there is much of a market for a power electric motorcycle as power normally means speed which means highway, and batteries are not ideal for that cruising motor cycle trip. [/quote] Now when you feel the need. the need for speed these guys made electric go fast! Students Shatter Zero to 60 MPH Record in Homemade EV | Autopia | Wired.com
That's the same university that regularly wins the solarchallenge (and the one I'm taking an online solar-energy class on, and it's 10 miles from my house as the crow flies, which doesn't matter as it is an online class just like the MIT classes I'm also taking, a person has to stay busy...)
Now when you feel the need. the need for speed these guys made electric go fast! Students Shatter Zero to 60 MPH Record in Homemade EV | Autopia | Wired.com[/quote] Once again, it's time to redefine "Fast EV" .... A 2 second 0-60 is now only mediocre. Now? It's in less than ONE SECOND ... in fact 0-100 will soon be done in one second. How does 'over 1,000 hp' sound for fast ... how does a 200mph 1/4 mile sound. EV records continue to get smashed. Way more than BMW's marketing words ... now THAT's an ultimate driving machine ... .